Please email us if you find any dead links in this archive.
SATURDAY, 11/4/2000, 2:15pm HST by Raul
For the love of god please, don't do this
to your 'Cocker! Some (hopelessly inbred) people should not be allowed to have Web sites. And what's with the rat-bites all over the Z-mag?
Has he been using those guns to club his brother Jeb on the head?
MADD not mad
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- America's most vocal pressure group against drunk driving said on Friday it hoped Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush had learned a lesson
from his 1976 conviction for being behind the wheel after drinking.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) President Millie Webb, who has been a leading campaigner for tougher legislation against drunk driving,
said she was disheartened to hear the news about Bush's record but recognized people could change.
Here in Hawai'i, where wifebeating and incest are not culturally-sanctioned pastimes, people like Tom Foley have to
actually answer for their drunk driving convictions. Hit up the full story
Don't ever forget
That it's PC technology that drives console technology, and not the other fuckin' way around.
He got the turd part right
Here it is, ripped wholesale from HardOCP, posted by Kyle:
It is November and I still don't see a Voodoo5 6000. I think I am gonna call it a turd that never floated. Bubba will not answer my last couple of emails either.
I will say this! I actually got to play Quake on one though. OOO, touch me baby! :)
They also re-posted the pictures of this card, of which I suspect only one exists (this one):
If you've been following the whole top-end video card battle that's been going on (in name only at this point), you'll notice that
3DFX went through a lot of trouble to keep people in the dark about the true performance of the 6000, while NVIDIA has always been
up front with their cards. I wonder what all of this amounts to?
Console vs. PC, take 2
Here's a little bit from one of the guys who are talking about how PS2 NHL2001 actually looks better than
PC NHL2001. I tend to not buy it, but their argument is interesting nonetheless. I'll take my 1600x1200 pixels any day.
Posted by VENOM2099 -- ... Here's something for those who have a grfx card with an s-video out jack:
Switch your grfx card to display the image on your TV, set your game to 800x600 resolution, turn up all the detail.
What happened to all the Jaggies?? It's simple, TV's automatically blend colors and outlines thanks to it's "blurring" effect. Same thing goes for the PS2...
The DC has a cable that allows you to plug into a PC monitor. If you do, you'll notice that the resolution is not as good looking as it is on TV.....even with the anti-aliasing.
Try that with a PS2 (which doesn't have the DC's anti-aliasing effects) and you'll get similar results.
If I'm not mistaken, TV's won't do more than 640x480.
FRIDAY, 11/3/2000, 5:58pm HST by Penfold The "Hard Slacking" Edition
So I didn't do any content yesterday, so sue me. Wait, that's my job.
Cheesy 80s Cartoons
I know some of you watched these cartoons and can still sing the theme songs. You know who you are. Daily Radar
has a little story about the 10 worse cartoon theme songs from back in the day. Check out the article here.
I even remember the cheesy lessons they tried to teach at the very end, just like the do in the Sailor Moon cartoons. Don't ask how I know.
Want to get revenge against Metallica for suing Napster? Bust out a shirt with one of these logos on them, for sale on eBay. I'd buy one, but I'm not exactly "Large" size.
First Aid for the Dying DotCom
Got an internet startup that never really got started. Keep it going with some emergency first aid. I personally like the advanced first aid.
Check out the poster here. I would put a thumbnail, but I keep forgetting to swipe the PS disk form Raul.
Today's Sex Content
Another reason to get into the pants of that hot stewardess on your next flight to Venezuela. Check out the story here.
I Think They Just Wanted to Get Laid in the MRI
From the land of legal weed, some freaky Dutch sexologist took pictures of people getting laid in a MRI chamber. And it turns out the banana really looks like a banana.
Check out the story here.
FRIDAY, 11/3/2000, 3:30am HST by Raul
Okay back to normal now, that was a fun little diversion. Next time I'll post new page hardware BEFORE the holiday.
Going on my seventh day of work this week, thanks goodness it's the last before my weekend.
Fuck your Yankee bluejeans
WASHINGTON, DC -- High school football killed as many students last year as did guns -- which means politicians
should either stop using school shootings as an excuse to attack the Second Amendment or start passing "football control" laws, the Libertarian Party said today.
I was almost going to hold off on posting this until tomorrow, but it is just too juicy and well-written of a
story to pass up. Heck, I'm even going to lead with it. As for the headline, who knows?
Hit up the full story here.
Lose 20 pounds and $20

I cannot believe they actually did this. Excercise bikes and slots, together. These are in Atlantic City.
Now you can fool yourself into thinking you are losing weight while you are fooling yourself into thinking you are not losing money.
Pot laws up in smoke?
MENDOCINO, Calif. (CBS News) -- There's less than a week to go in Campaign 2000, and attention
is naturally focused on the presidential race and "big" issues like taxes and Social Security.
But on Tuesday, voters will also decide on many local issues, and as CBS News Correspondent John Blackstone reports,
in one California county, the smoking-hot issue is whether marijuana should be legalized.
Those campaigning to legalize marijuana in Mendocino County are asking voters to back a rebellion.
That's the real headline from this story. All bad pot puns aside, this is a great story.
Hit up the full story here.
In a minor debacle for his campaign, George W. Bush's DUI arrest came into
public knowledge. But I mean c'mon, it was the '70s. I would have spent my time in a drunken stupor too. On another note,
W. kills women, children and infants in his spare time. Don't vote for him.
I just had to do it. No, there will not be a contest based on the Taliban official. But his Kielbasa looks bigger than Gore's.
Or maybe they roll their joints extra big in Afghanistan. -Penfold
A new meaning for "Register raid"
FBI agents raided the dormitory room of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute computer science student Andres Salomon in Troy, New York on Saturday, after a Register story piqued his interest in the recent New York Yankees' Web site defacement.
The agents searched his room and removed three computers, two books, and a collection of notes.
This is scary shit.
Hit up the full story here.
A link borrowed from Stileproject: a silly little Javascript app called
the Reflex Test. Stile reports that he got a 1ms time after
30 minutes of practice. I got TWO zero second results within my first ten tries. Sorry, Stile.
I 0wn j00! No, I did not edit the number.
Butt in
Here's a site that's just too contrived to not be a fake site. seeks to promote
teen anal sex and homosexuality as a solution to the teen pregnancy/STD problem. At least they admit to the true nature of the site.
You're such a cutup
BEKAA VALLEY, Lebanon (Reuters) -- Doctors have operated on a Lebanese man to remove 39 metal and plastic
knives, forks, spoons and even lighters which he swallowed over one year.
I bet it was munchies from that Lebanese hash. But I mean, this guy is slacking, it took him a YEAR to swallow all that!
Hit up the full story here.
Damn, these casual posts have a nasty habit of turning into news bombs these days.
THURSDAY, 11/2/2000, 1:00pm HST by Raul
Short post, I gotta go to work soon.
What is this, baseball?

We start the fun today with a choice photo of Eddie Belfour gloving the puck against the Columbus
Blue Jackets last night. Belfour went on to get the shutout as the stars won, 4-0. The Blue Jackets were going for the first
back-to-back wins in franchise history. Eddie the Eagle had other plans.
It's in the game
Well, LittleWhiteDog beat us to our own game and threw up a short EA SPORTS NHL2001 review:
Basically this game is pure, hard hitting, fun hockey, if you liked the previous versions of this game you will love this one. It is easier to control the action along with the desired direction of the player. The 11 camera settings give you a wide variety to choose from
although the camera for the best playability as well as the stunning visual effects has to be "ACTION."
Of course, if you have been reading the forums, you know that I disagree with the camera angle analysis, but I digress.
And the reviewer just isn't approaching it from a true hardcore angle. But it is worth a look anyway, since they bothered to send
us a heads-up!
Hit up the full story here.
Here's a funny little visual humor courtesy of
All the weirdos come here ...
HONOLULU -- A candidate running for the state House was arrested early yesterday morning for allegedly stealing copies of the
Honolulu Advertiser from a newspaper rack on Piikoi Street.
Hit up the full story here. Submitted by
the Lemur.
I don't know how I stumbled across this link. It's called you might be a Zoo if ... ('Zoo'
being short for 'Zoophile').
WEDNESDAY, 11/1/2000, 7:58pm HST by Penfold The "I Need My 19in Monitor" Edition
Never thought that 2" diagonal would make that much of a difference, but now that I have to work with the 17" as my primary, I really miss it. Maybe I should get off my lazy ass and hook it up.
Things Not to Do Online
Infoworld has an article about the top 10 .com scams floating around. And strangely enough, they didn't mention anything about sending stuff to Romania.
Check out the article here.
Remember, You Heard it Here First
Looks like Fox News finally got aorund to "discovering" NakedNews.
Check out their article here. But remember, you saw it at first.
Need a personal firewall? I recommend Zone Labs zonealarm. If you want help
with configuring it, check out the unofficial FAQ here. Even if you don't want to install zonealarm,
the FAQ is still a funny read.
Daily Sex Content
Read how some Taiwanese 'qi gong' practioners make their longer here. Trust me, I don't make this stuff up.
Limp Shrimp
Poor guy. But if nothing else, he could probably get a job in pr0n like John Wayne Bobbit to show the world it does work. Read about his plight here.
WEDNESDAY, 11/1/2000, 1:30am HST by Raul
I have been feeling a little sick, but I think I'm getting past it.
LEFT: John Coletti, chief engineer at Ford's Special Vehicle Engineering division, introduces the new 2001 SVT F-150 Lightning.
It's packing a 5.4 SOHC "Triton" V8, 380 horsepower and 450 lb./ft. torque, plus suspension tweaks, which has Ford claiming it
the fastest production pickup ever. And get this, it is EPA certified to be a LEV (Low Emission Vehicle).
RIGHT: FoMoCo VP Jim O'Connor debuted the Ford Urban Explorer which, goddamit, looks
like any one of a nubmer of import SUV's that have popped up like magic mushrooms on cow shit in the last few moons. Anyway ...
It's geek to me
Above is the rogues' gallery of geeks that are responsible for the latest development
in the Napster drama.
FROM LEFT: Hank Barry, CEO of Napster Inc., Andreas Schmidt, president of Bertelsmann eCommerce Group, Thomass Middlehoff, CEO of Bertelsmann, Shawn Fanning,
founder of Napster. You know, Bertelsmann. BMG.
Elsewhere, Al Gore took a hit from the bong the other day and almost coughed up a lung.
What is it with these goalies?

Dallas Stars goalie Ed Belfour appeared in court yesterday and pleaded guilty
to a misdemeanor resisting arrest charge. Apparently, he was involved in a scuffle with a security guard at an upscale
Dallas hotel in March. He got 2 years probation and a $3K fine.
Here's another NHL shot thrown in for shits and kicks:
The Anaheim Mighty Ducks' Vitaly Vishnevski (6) puts a rather enthusiastic check on the Edmonton Oilers' Ryan Smith. This is in Edmonton
at the Skyreach Center, for you trivia types.
I only posted this picture because it was kind of funny/interesting. How the heck did that guy
get there without wetting his pants? Huh huh, I said "wetting his pants."
This photo is from Arizona, where there's been a lot of flooding going on recently.
"The Creme de la Creme of the chess boys ..."

For some reason, "One Night in Bangkok" by Murray Head is running through my brain.
LEFT: Gary Kasparov, right, world chess champion for the last 15 years, is being challenged by Vladimir Kramnik, left, in the
world championships. 14 of 16 games have been played, and apparently, Kramnik is in a position of advantage -- he has won two games and drawn the rest.
If Kasparov does not win the next one, he cannot retain his title.
RIGHT: Check out the intensity on Kasparov's face. Then check out how many pieces have been moved.
I highly recommend the news archive which will get you
up to speed on the tournament rather quickly.
So I hear, the Airsoft scene is abuzz because the actor that was shot and killed in California
was wielding an Airsoft gun, above. The bottom one is the gun the actor was holding. Funny, I think I have one of those ...
The top is a genuine article .357 Desert Eagle.
Dang, that turned into a large news bomb while I wasn't looking.
TUESDAY, 10/31/2000, 11:58pm HST by Penfold The "Final Post Before the End of Halloween" Edition
I must say that this transition from my NT box to the new celery2 box is going easier than expected. It may truely be time to retire the NT and look at Win2k. No kids came up here for any candy.
Hmmm, not a Bad Idea
That said, users do visit e-tailers more frequently, even though they're
less likely to buy things. The reason? "Apparently, Napster users visit
online retailers to get information about music, and then use Napster to
download the music free of charge," according to PC Data CEO Ann
I usually get idea for songs to napster (wow, made up a new verb) by watching the dumb late night infomercials.
Hit up the full story here.
They Officially Suck
According to an anonymous system builder, the new Intel P4 chips blow small animals. Looks like it's time to stock up on AMD stock.
Read the whole story here.
Pr0n Content for the Day
Is that a naughty email or are you just happy to see me? Check out a review of a supposed smut filter here.
They seem to think it blows. I mean, if the US Supreme Court can't define obscenity (well, actually they did, but you explain what "primarily appealing to a person's prurient interests" means), how do they
expect coders to define it for the computer.
TUESDAY, 9/16/2000, 12:58pm HST by Penfold The "New Pad" Edition
Yes, I am here in Manoa and have by RR in. Napster and cable, a match made in heaven. But fear not, I still have my as backup. Oh yeah, no new content.
TUESDAY, 10/31/2000, 5:00am HST by Raul
I have to say, it crept up on me. I am working overtime here to do something with the site. I went for red velvet for a more
sanguine feel. At the last minute I was struck by an odd vibe and added the dagger to the left. But I digress.
Since I can't give you a Snickers bar through your monitor, you're gonna have to settle for brain/eye candy instead. Penfold is
OFFLINE* so I will be dropping the news bomb on y'all, just because it's Halloween.
* Penfold has moved, and the cable guy comes tomorrow to put Road Runner in.
I might try and put more racing content up, there seems to be a demand for it. Today, CART. The Marlboro 500 and the California Speedway in Fontana, Calif.
- Driver Helio Castroneves doing well until he hit the wall during the Marlboro 500.
- Cristino da Matta's tire rolls past him after he hit some debris from Paul Tracy's car. Tracy crashed into a wall.
- The race was won by Christian Fittipaldi. Only six cars survived the race. Gil de Ferran placed third
and took the overall points title in the 2000 Fedex Championship Series.
Here is Ford Racing Technology's new car, the FR200. It is a "304-horsepower, turbocharged version of the Focus ZX3."
This is during the Innovations Day luncheon at the SEMA show yesterday. That's Tommy Kendall on the right and FRT's director Dan Davis on the right.
"This car drives like it is pissed off," Kendall told the crowd.
If you ask me, it looks like they took every awful, played-out styling cue from every import carmaker across the board and
put them all into one car. But only if you ask me.
Squatter punted
A cybersquatter was today ordered to hand over 43 domain names containing variations of the AltaVista name.
The recent rash of legal domain name hijackings is somewhat distressing. Would or be illegal as well? Hit up the full story
This guy is just hardcore. John Balczuk of Burlington, VT says, "This is better than
sitting inside watching football."
There are not one, but two new (maybe more, if you haven't been keeping up) Mr. Wong episodes,
"Gary Peterson II" and "Gary Peterson III".
I have to say though, that the humor as of late, while no less bizarre, is a little low brow for my tastes. While you're at it, check out
Mr. Wong's Kitchen.
An informative glimpse of college hockey. Seems like they use a bit more safety equipment than in the NHL.
Caveat hax0r
Here's the homepage for Arctic Silver. Note that they are releasing
a silver paste thermal epoxy in November. Be sure to check out their instructions page
which as some very useful precautions.
"Discharging feces"
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) -- The Federal Aviation Administration is convinced that pigs can fly. Now it wants to
know how and why. The FAA said on Monday its investigators are trying to sort through a bizarre series of events that
allowed a 300-pound pig to fly first-class aboard a nonstop USAirways (U.N) flight from Philadelphia to Seattle.
You'll have to hit up the full story here to read about the feces.
Head change
TOKYO (Reuters) -- A Japanese marathon star who won Olympic
gold in Sydney got a crucial extra buzz by drinking the stomach juice of giant killer hornets.
How weird. Strangely, I'd like to try it. Hit up the full story here.
Almost forgot. The Firingsquad has a GeForce 2 Ultra review
up. What more do I need to say. Here is a direct link to the analysis for those
who don't want to waste any time.
MONDAY, 10/30/2000, 2:30am HST by Raul
Slow news day today, so I am digging into my image stash to get something up worthy of the 150 hits we took yesterday. That's
some kind of record, I think. And we took some hits from Amsterdam, too.
Speaking of hits ...
Here are some big ones from the last couple of seasons, purely for your visual entertainment (Courtesy AP):
- Philadelphia Flyers' Eric Lindros goes down hard, hitting his
head on the ice, after being hit by New Jersey Devils' Scott Stevens in
the first period of Game 7 of the Eastern Conference finals Friday, May
26, 2000, in Philadelphia. Lindros, who just returned from a concussion
after missing 10 weeks, had to be helped off the ice. The Devils won 2-1 and advance to the Stanley Cup finals. Lindros
is still not playing due to his multiple concussions.
- Buffalo Sabres' Jason Woolley (5) checks Dallas Stars' Blake Sloan
into the boards during the second period of Game 2 of the Stanley Cup
finals in Dallas, Thursday, June 10, 1999.
- New Jersey Devils' Colin White knocks Dallas Stars' Derian
Hatcher off his feet with a check in the second period of the first game
of the Stanley Cup Finals in East Rutherford, N.J. Tuesday May 30,2000.
- Dallas Stars' defenseman Dave Manson flips New Jersey Devils left
winger Jay Pandolfo as he knocks him off the puck during first period
action in Game 2 of the Stanley Cup Finals in East Rutherford, N.J., on
Thursday, June 1, 2000.
Ka Leo loves strippers
Couple days late on this one, but that's okay, it's not time-sensitive news. From Junebug:
... Wanted to write to let you know the special Ka Leo loves strippers issue
comes out tomorrow. :P Make a link of it to your page to prove to XXXXX
that my going to Venus was entirely business-related. Hehe, I said
Hit up the full stories here in the Ka Leo Features section.
You close your eyes ... and hope that this is just imagination.

Heinous red-eye aside, this is darn near the scariest thing I've ever seen. Is it any wonder Michael hardly goes out in public anymore?
Poor guy. Imagine when he's 60 years old.
Is this a joke or what?
Take a gander at the shallow end of the gene pool -- Butte High School.
I am still trying to figure out if this is a real school or not. Seems kinda fishy to me. Oh, you need
Adobe Acrobat reader to view the images (lord knows why).
Oh and I finally busted into the 7's. 7-hour average SETI blocks that is. Actually my machine cranks them in 5.5-6.5 hours on average,
but I am still making up for about five 20-hour blocks early on in my SETIing.
SUNDAY, 10/28/2000, 10:58am HST by Penfold The "Pot Edition" Edition
A few grams of marijuana related stories.
A spinoff from,
presents Callum Francis and his weekly pot based radio show. Listen to Callum try and rap this week.
Free Cannabis!!!
I wish. Shopkeeper Free Ron Cannabis was busted with drugs, including, surprisingly enough, cannabis. With a name like that,
any wonder the cops singled him out. Toke up he whole story here.
My favorite place to get glass flower vases is here.
Shanghai Noon v. Legend of Drunken Master
Check out this review of the Jackie Chan movie Shanghai Noon here. The reviewer seems
to think that his American movies lag compared to the Hong Kong movies. I have to agree with it. Having recently seen The Legent of Drunken Master, none of his
recent stunts can compare to his earlier stunts. Also see The Filthy Critic for more movie reviews.
New Cartoon of the moment, submitted by both Stacey and Tess.
SUNDAY, 10/29/2000, 2:45am HST by Raul
So the 'Bows lost again. This time, though, it was a different kind of game entirely. Hope Timmy Chang didn't get clocked
too hard. Looked painful.
That offensive outburst set a new school record -- 105 total points, beating out last year's SJSU-UH matchup at 103 total points.
Trade your vote
Here's a site that has figured out a way to vote Nader and exercise electoral influence elsewhere.
Speaking of offensive outbursts ... the Penguins lost 9-0 to the Devils.
More when I wake up ...
News? Click the paper and send it to us!