"What is this place?..."

Where have your travels brought you to now? Perhaps you should take a look around?...

You approach a high-walled, almost forbidding area. You see the way in is barred by silver gates, upon which hangs this sign:

"The material and links presented on this site are of an adult nature. If you don't know what that means, please ask me. Please do not enter if you are underage or offended by such material. The author will not be held responsible for any emotional, physical, or other distress caused by entering this Grove. Entering this site implies that you agree with the above. You have been forewarned."

Off to the side you see a detour to "the Happiest Place on Earth." If you heed the sign's warning, this is the way to go. Or do you take a chance, push open the gates, and...

Enter the Grove