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Item #573914945

Item located in: eBay Motors:Parts & Accessories:Accessories

Bidding is closed for this item.

Currently $49,999,998,976.00  First bid $0.01
Quantity 1 # of bids 1 (bid history)
Time left Auction has ended with Buy It Now. Learn more Location Type-R Land California
Country United States
Started Mar-26-01 14:51:46 PST envelope (mail this auction to a friend)
Ends Mar-26-01 23:28:47 PST Watch this item
Seller (Rating) abouttheweather (66) star about me
(view comments in seller's Feedback Profile)  (view seller's other auctions) 
High bid rjmoose (11) star
Payment See item description for payment methods accepted
Shipping Will ship to United States only, See item description for shipping charges
Relist item Seller: Didn't sell your item the first time? eBay will refund your relisting fee if it sells the second time around. Relist this item.

Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Auction currency is U.S. dollars ($) unless otherwise noted.


The Perfect Addition to your Type R accessories


This is a Standard BIC® Round Stic Medium point pen

with the rare upgraded TYPE R Badge, this is a great collectors item.

Dont Settle for imitations, this is a Genuine Type R Pen.



if you have any questions please feel free to email me at



i accept paypal and money order only as payment

shipping is 3.50 USPS priority mail

On Mar-26-01 at 19:02:35 PST, seller added the following information:

Auction has ended with Buy It Now. Learn more

Bidding is closed for this item.

If you're the seller or the high bidder - now what?

  1. Contact each other. The seller (abouttheweather) and the high bidder (rjmoose) should contact each other within three business days to discuss payment and shipping details.

  2. Leave feedback for the other party once the the seller has received the payment and the winning bidder has received the item.
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Details for the seller and high bidder(s):
The seller should contact the winning bidder(s) with information on the total cost, including shipping, and where to send payment. The winning bidder(s) must pay the seller directly for the item(s), and it is the seller's responsibility to fulfill the order when payment terms are met. The binding contract of the auction is between the winning bidder and the seller.

If the seller is unable to establish contact with the high bidder within 3 business days of the end of the auction, he/she may lose the place as winning bidder, and be at risk for receiving negative feedback and/or a Non-Paying Bidder warning, both of which can ultimately lead to suspension from eBay.

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