Originally posted in a Web forum:

Seriously, that's what's troubling me the most is that one by one, the things that are good about our coutnry, things we can be proud of, things we are respected for ... those are being taken away or squandered by the Bush administration.

We have no real colonial past to speak of -- but we are embarking on one now.

We have fought our wars for the right reasons; our enemies strike first -- but not anymore.

We have freedom of speech -- but Ashcroft is listening and you will hear from him if he hears something he doesn't like.

We can protest and speak our mind -- but our administration does not listen to the majority of us.

We can participate in our government -- until Bush finishes taking public participation out of as many programs as he can.

We have the most powerful military in the world -- but it's being used for the wrong reasons.

We have the world's most powerful economy -- and it's headed for deeper recession and possibly even depression.

We have freedom of religion -- unless it's Islam, adherents of which are potential terrorists and subject to profiling.

We believe in equality among the races -- except if someone is Arab.

We have lots of friends and allies around the world -- that are against what we are doing.

We helped author international law -- but feel it doesn't really apply to us.

We oppose nuclear proliferation and have destroyed some of our own nukes -- but are building new ones with the intent of using them.

We have a grand tradition of diplomacy -- which has been thrown out the window.

We are respectful of the international community -- unless they don't agree with us, in which case, screw them.

We have a representative democracy -- except our leaders were not elected by the people!!!