The old Grove has been down for some time, I haven't tried to access it in a looooong time, and the server is just totally unreliable, so that site is permanently closed. If anyone has links to my site, please change them to the above address. Thanks all and have a happy new year!
Oct. 24, 2000: Well! Someone let me know that the gates of the Grove are indeed completely inaccessible. I was hoping it was just a server fluke, because the last time this happened, it went back up a few days later.
In any case, these erratic closures are extremely annoying, but I'm still searching for a free place to transplant the Grove. Anyone know technical legalese? I'm not sure if lemon writings strictly constitute pornographic materials, which is what's been stopping me for the most part, since every server seems to ban porn. Please, give me ideas!
To check this problem for awhile, I'm going to be uprooting and replanting back on my main website in the next week or so. Although I hope that doesn't become the permanent Grove, it just might turn out to be. Once that's done, I'll give out the new URL.
Anyway, in the way of writing progress, I've gotten a bit more of ch. 10 done, and I'm still wondering about ch. 11. I've got ideas for Sabin and have even gone as far as Shadow. I'm skipping around a lot; I've got a few Shadow chapters written and have started on the River Lete journey (think Ultros ^_~), all the while ch. 10 has not completely come into fruition yet. Stay tuned...
And that's life. If you've got any story ideas or submissions, send 'em to me! ^_^
June 2, 2000: WAHAHAHAA! I finally got a working monitor, so my internet access is back up! Not only that, but my connection to sakura has apparently been fixed, so I can update at last! Of course, now I have a job, so that still means
not having much time to do stuff....^_~
In any case, chapters 7, 8, and 9 of my FF3 lemon are *finally* up on sakura now, and have been deleted from Geocities. I haven't changed them since the last time I looked at them, so if you've already seen them on Geocities, there's nothing new. I'm currently working on ch. 10 and getting ideas together for ch. 11. I tell you, Figaro is taking a *whoooole* lot longer than I expected. It's just that Figaro is providing me with *sooo* many pairing possibilities, I just might have a few spinoffs from it. Heck, if I made every meeting into a lemon, I'd probably still be stuck back when Terra was still in Magitek! ^_~
Speaking of which, as I go along, I'm slowly developing my ideas of the basis of the Empire, the role of Espers, etc., now in the sexual sense, and then going back to prior chapters to make changes. So if the story seems to be jerking along (no pun intended ^_~), it's because I haven't fully worked out all the details.
Other than that, nothing else has been done in the way of links or
fan-submitted stuff, unfortunately. Enjoy! ^_^
May 20, 2000: Konnichiwa! First of all, my internet access is starting to shape up, but now I've hit another snag. For some reason, sakura doesn't want to let me log in, so I can't upload anything new to my site. I've been trying for the past two weeks, and I keep getting the same message saying the server drops my connection. Maybe I forgot my password or something...
I finally got sick of trying, so as a temporary solution, I've uploaded my three (yes, three ^_~) new chapters of my FF3 lemon to my Geocities page. Here are the direct links:
Ch. 7: Introduction to Technology
Ch. 8: Touring Figaro
Ch. 9: Revisiting the Past
One warning, though. Please do NOT provide direct links to these pages on any website, or else Geocities could drag me over the coals somehow. ^_^ They are linked only to each other, so the only way you can reach them is by typing in the URL. I don't plan on making Geocities my home base for my Grove, so I shall see what I can do...
As always, storyline suggestions and links are welcome. 'Til the next time...enjoy! ^_^
Dec. 31, 2000: Hello all! Well, for the past week or so, I've been having trouble with the server, so the Lemon Grove has been shut down indefinitely. I apologize to everyone who has been trying unsuccessfully to access the page. If this continues, I'll have to migrate to another server...would anyone be willing to host me? ;)
When I finally do get it back up, I'll be adding several fan-submitted stories and few more ChronoTrigger ones of my own. Ch. 6 of "Erotic Journeys" is still giving me problems, though, so that won't be up anytime soon...
Hope you all had a merry Christmas, and have a happy new year! Let's see if we survive Y2K....;)
Oct. 9, 1999: I've got pretty much the basics of my lemon page down, AND several stories too. ;) All the links should work, and if not, then please let me know.Find my Lemon Grove at:
If you link to my page, I ask that you PLEASE make it to this specific page. You'll probably understand why when you see it. ;) Check it out, and as always I'm open to suggestions, comments, and the pointing out of typos. *grin* Enjoy!