Ch. 3: The Escape
By Schala
Terra closed the door silently behind her and looked ahead. A narrow bridge high over the town joined Arvis' house to the mines. Crouching low, she walked awkwardly over the bridge.
It was no use. Guards saw her almost immediately. "There she is!" one shouted. She looked below her and saw the militia running around, racing up ramps to intercept her. She didn't wait around. Terra fled.
The mines were dark, lit every few feet by flickering lanterns stuck into alcoves. Gripping her knife tightly, every sense alert, she managed to dodge most of the creatures that inhabited the mines. Only a few times did she encounter huge rats, but Terra managed to fight them off.
Terra climbed a last set of wooden stairs and saw the faint glow of sunlight ahead. "I've finally reached the exit," she thought with a sigh.
And it wasn't a moment too soon. "There she is!" Terra heard behind her. Hearing the sound of running footsteps, she too broke into a run for the door. But shadows fell across the doorway, and two militiamen intercepted her.
There was nowhere to run now. Terra found herself trapped in the corner, clutching her knife with a death grip as the three guards advanced on her. Some strange anger rose up within her. With a yell, she threw herself at the first man, stabbing out wildly. He sidestepped and the man behind him grabbed and held her wrist tightly. Terra winced and dropped the knife. She kicked the second man in the shins, making him release her, only to have the third grab her from behind.
"She's a lively one, ain't she?" her captor said with a slight chuckle. "I think liveliness is just what we need, don't you think, Rolon?"
He straightened up after rubbing his bruised shin. Rolon nodded slowly, watching Terra struggle against Han's strong grip. "Rare that we find such a robust beauty in this dead town," he replied, a sly grin coming up slowly on his face.
Terra slammed her elbow hard into Han's stomach. He let go, but Rolon was quick to tackle her. He pushed her against the wall of the mine. "Yes, *very* rare," he murmured, crushing her lips with his. He forced his tongue into her mouth and kissed her deeply.
Rolon pressed his body against hers and ran his hands quickly and roughly down her body. Then he suddenly pulled Terra away from the wall and pushed her into another guard. "Lamar, hold her," he shouted out as he tossed her to the man.
Lamar held her, and Rolon squeezed her breasts harshly. He burrowed under her dress and, licking slowly up her chest, latched onto her nipples and sucked hard. Then Rolon dove under her dress and kissed his way downward.
His tongue found her wet clitoris and licked the length of it slowly. Terra gasped loudly and nearly bucked her hips. She had a strange feeling within her, something she was quite sure she had felt before, but was never really aware of it until now. Where had she felt this before? ....But she couldn't concentrate. Rolon's tongue was giving her too much pleasure to be able to think straight.
He started biting her tender clit, then thrust his tongue inside her, moving it around, savoring her hot inner wetness. Terra moaned, pulling her hips back against Lamar, trying to escape the exquisite feeling shocking her thighs.
But she didn't *really* want to escape...
Rolon grabbed her from Lamar and forced her to lie on the floor. Working himself free of his trousers, he spread her thighs wide. He rubbed the tip of his cock over her thighs, around her wet vagina, teasing her already-painful clit. Rolon moaned as his penis extended fully. With a grunt, he shoved himself hard inside her.
Terra didn't know when she had stopped fighting, but when Rolon started fucking her, she didn't have the strength to resist it. She pressed her hips up to meet his hard thrusts, wanting more and more...
Han joined in. He tugged off his pants, knelt over Terra's face, and forced his cock into her mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise, but then she grabbed him and started licking his shaft. She felt Han get hard in her mouth. She sucked off the tip, squeezing him at the same time, pumping him furiously.
Rolon fucked Terra faster, beads of sweat forming across his forehead. There was an insane rhythm the three of them were following, a rhythm made up of their grunts, moans, and thrusts. They made a well-oiled machine that was greased by their sex juices that flowed freely.
Terra contracted her lower muscles in a sensuous massage. The feel of her wet vagina squeezing his cock was more than Rolon could stand. He came in her, fast and unexpectedly. He grabbed her thighs and massaged them, trying to force more of her delightful wetness out of her.
Han tortured Terra slowly, as he shot his cum in her mouth in small bursts. He felt her tongue lick him eagerly, wanting more. Finally he pulled out of her mouth and sprayed the rest of himself all over her neck. His cum made sticky trails as it dripped slowly down her smooth skin.
Lamar suddenly heard a rumbling. "What's that?" he said.
No one heard him at first, the two men still in ecstacy over their conquest of Terra. The rumbling grew louder, and the ground beneath them shook. Lamar was the first to snap out of it. "Holy crap...the floor's gonna cave in!" He quickly stood up and shook Rolon roughly by the shoulder, then finally dragged his companion out of the way, both their cocks now hanging limply.
Terra, warned by the shouts and the men's hot bodies suddenly seeming to disappear, raised her head weakly. The floor under her was cracking, and she felt the ground shift. Slightly quicker in response than the men, she scrambled to her feet.
But she wasn't quick enough. Before she could move, the floor gave way
beneath her. Terra screamed as she felt herself plunge into the dark depths of
the Narshe mines.

She landed with a hard thump. Pebbles and larger rocks continued to shower from above. Terra felt bruised and battered, both from her fall and from the men's rough use of her. She lay there stunned until the the pattering of rocks fell silent.
With a groan, Terra stood up. She looked around, but her vision was blurred and her head ached more than ever. She was tempted to fall back down and sleep, but she remembered the creatures that lived in the mines. She gritted her teeth. "One foot in front of the other," Terra murmured. "You can do it..."
She took no more than a few steps before pain and fatigue overtook her body. Terra fell in a heap on the floor.
Visions began to fill her mind....

She was in a small, dimly lit room. What was she doing here, tied to a chair?...She was so tired...She couldn't remember...
The man seemed to materialize in front of her. She saw his blond hair, so pale it was almost white. And his was twisted with an evil, insane humor. "Uwee, hee, hee!" he cackled. "With this Slave Crown, I'll OWN you!!"
He was in front of her now. He held something in his hands. Something...he was putting it on her head. She didn't want him to do that. She struggled, but there was nowhere to go. And suddenly it was on her head. She felt it tighten, felt it consume her....
Her head shot up. All uncertainty and fear drained away. She knew what to do and what was expected of her. The man looked at her and nodded. She nodded back. He cackled in delight.
"Yes...yes!" he exclaimed. "I own you now....You're mine!!...."
With a wicked grin he suddenly pounced on her. He pushed her back in the chair and kissed her roughly. He slid his tongue in and played with hers. She felt small shocks through her virgin body at his kiss. Something in the recesses of her brain was telling her that this was wrong, that she should resist. But almost immediately she dispelled the thought and began kissing him back.
She struggled against her bonds. She wasn't trying so much to please him, or even fulfill her own desires. She simply followed what her instinct told her to do...but she did it without any real consciousness, any real feeling...
His hands slid over her arms, over her body. He reached down and pressed a button, and she was free.
She arched her body up to meet his. He jerked up her dress and fondled her, sliding two fingers in and out of her vagina. She moaned, her body resisting slightly at the unfamiliar sensation.
He fumbled with his clothing, finally freeing himself from their cumbersome weight. Without warning, he pushed her back and plunged his hard cock into her.
She gasped in pain and clutched the arms of the chair tightly. "Uhhh..." she moaned as he went deeper inside.
He grasped her buttocks and moved her back and forth, sliding in and out of her. He lifted her up and pulled her to him, shoving himself all the way inside. Her legs wrapped around his waist. Her moans were a mixture of pain and pleasure as she felt his cock in her slick depths.
He grunted and thrust rapidly, slamming her into the hard chair. She moaned louder, the pain becoming acute. Tears ran from her eyes, but she was quickly learning to enjoy the experience.
Her virgin blood flowed, mixing with her sticky juices, staining the seat a dull red. Still he pumped her, his excitement growing.
He reached his peak with a long, exuberant shout. Her body spasmed, her thighs twitched. She fell back, gasping for air.
The man's yell changed into a wild cackle as the stench of blood, sweat and
sex reeked all around them...

She was in a town, operating a strange mechanical device. All around her, houses were in flames, people were screaming in terror.
"Good! Good! Burn everything up!" A familiar cackle sounded beside her.
She did not bother to turn to the man. She concentrated only on her job. She
felt no awkwardness, no guilt at his proximity.
In fact, she didn't feel much anything at all...
Now she stood in front of thousands of Imperial soldiers. Three people stood beside her: the Imperial generals. A gray-haired man in robes was speaking. She saw the man with white hair, who glanced back and winked at her. The blond-haired man next to him turned back and looked at her also. If she had been able to discern emotions, she would have seen the look of sympathy in his eyes...Beside them, the woman with golden hair and a white cape remained facing front.
"It is our destiny to take this mystic force of magic and claim what is rightfully ours!" the speaker was shouting. "With our new-found power, nothing can stand in our way!"
The soldiers raised their hands and began to shout. "Hurrah! Long live Emperor Gestahl!" So infectious was the mood that she, too, took up the chant as well.
"Hurrah! Long live Emperor Gestahl!"...

Terra's eyelids blinked as the dreams flew through her mind. Her hands and legs twitched as she relived the incredible sensations of that first time. The wetness began seeping from her, her body responding as she recalled the physical pleasures that she and hundreds of Imperial soldiers had shared every day after that...
Her head jerked back. Saliva backed up in her throat, making her choke. She turned on her side and coughed forcefully. Terra spasmed, then lay still.
She dreamt no more.
Ch. 4: The Rescue
Return to the trees in the Lemon Grove
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This lemon last tasted by the Grovekeeper on Aug. 30, 2001
All chapters (c) Schala 1999