Jack move on a poor Belarussian
- Occupation: Co-Webmaster of tokenasians.com and l33t lawyer. I su3z j00.
- Work Style: Extreme slacker.
- Hockey Style: Jack anyone not on my team, including the referee.
- Current Setup:850mhz celeron2, and a voodoo5 vid card (who's fsaa is far superior to any nvidia crap).
- Currently reading on the can: Playboy, May 2001.
- Guiding words for those aspiring to l33tness: "Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads"
- Newest Toy: Panasonic DVD-L50 portable DVD player.
- Occupation: Co-Webmaster of tokenasians.com and multimedia design specialist. Yeah it's my site, I can call myself whatever the hell I want!
- Paintball Style: Mobile assault/fire support. Stealth 'cocker on double-regged CO2.
- Current Setup: P3 700E@933mhz. "But I only use it for work."
- Car building philosophy: Cubic inches uber alles!
- Design philosophy: Accept nothing less than the appearance of perfection.
- Life philosophy: Know when to say "Fuck it!"
- Philosophy philosophy: Philosophies suck.
- Newest toy: Sony TRV-27 DV camcorder
Several people guessed why our posting colors are fluorescent green and pink, but no one was keen enough to realize
that those are the original colors of R.P. Scherer Marballizer paint.