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SATURDAY, 10/20/2001, 12:Ish pm HST by Penfold

Party out at Malaikahana again today.

Fun with ferrofluids

Fun that you can have with magnets and this strange substance (actually it's a fluid saturated with magnetic particles). Read about it here.


Thought your Emag was the coolest thing since sliced bread, how about a Ephantom.

Linux and football

Ravens (-7 1/2) at Browns: Ravens Coach Brian Billick faults last week's defensive breakdown on team's switch to Linux operating system. Pick: Ravens.
Now I've heard of some weird excuses, but this one is extra funky. Hit up the full story here.


Meandering through news groups, you never know what you'll find.

THURSDAY, 10/18/2001, 9:Ish pm HST by Penfold

I got a tour at a local apiary for donating to HPR back on tuesday. I think it also includes a tour of the meadery also. So if anyone wants to go, give me a buzz buzz (yes, I know that was a terrible joke).

Happy birthday!

Today, the 18th of October, is the birthday of Meili, purveyor of strange and interesting content to Tokenasians (hell, it's better then my stuff). So tell her happy birthday before my content dwindles to nothing.

Hockey bit

New Jersey, the defending Eastern Division champions, FINALLY won a game.


These 'bombs' are made up of the Western civilization's best skin and muff shots ever put into print. Imagine millions of pages of XXX porn carpeting the rugged Afghan terrain. You've seen what the women over there are forced to wear. When the Taliban forces get to see what they are missing, they will be too distracted to fight. They won't be polishing their rifles, they will be too busy polishing something else.
Interesting, concept. Hit up the full story here.

Snoop busted

Seems that Snoop Dogg got busted recently with possession of some pot. Not just a little, but 200 grams worth (about 7 metric ounces). I may not like his music, but at least he lives exactly how he says he does. Read about it here.

THURSDAY, 10/18/2001, 1:50pm HST by Raul

Terrorist ...

T or not

... or not? Yes, it's Terrorist or not, where you rate how much of a terrorist people are. BUT, this isn't the typical x or not site -- it seems to be educationally oriented, with summaries of each individual after each vote. Don't mistake this for lack of entertainment value, however ... I saw Cats in there!

NASCAR mandates head and neck restraints

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- NASCAR on Wednesday announced that drivers in its three national touring series must wear a head and neck restraint device, effective immediately, whenever their race vehicles take to the track.
This is kind of like the visor issue in hockey, and even the helmet issue if you go back a few years. Only difference is there is no "grandfather" clause ... Hit up the full story here.

Pic of the day

Bubble Pen

Click to enlarge.

Military madness

Just some links to fun with guns in the sun:

B Boys in plastic

The B-boys

They're not quite as recognizable as the Reservoir Dogs characters, but the Beastie Boys have their own action figures, too.

WEDNESDAY, 10/17/2001, 4:55am HST by Raul

Check out Survival Guide For Taking A Dump At Work . Learn what a turd burglar is.


Mole star

There is just something inherently wrong with a site called Statue Molesters.

Kovy out for now

PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Pittsburgh Penguins forward Alexei Kovalev had arthroscopic knee surgery Tuesday to repair lingering damage from an injury that occurred five years ago.

Kovalev is out indefinitely, although new Penguins coach Rick Kehoe said he could return within a week.

The Kovy-Lemieux line is forthcoming once he returns. In NHL 2002, I got smoked hard by that line. Hit up the full story here.

Pic of the day

Bert Osama

It's time to play "Where's Bert?" Click to enlarge.

Tweaky links

Some weird links for which I probably shouldn't post up any art:

More ad killing

Lankus sends along this page of ad blocking resources for those infected with spyware or adware.

TUESDAY, 10/16/2001, 10:Ish pm HST by Penfold

I took you off your feet, woman.

Hockey news

Johan "The Moose" Hedberg shuts down Hossa on his penalty shot in Pitt's new head coach's debut. Pitt ended up winning, their first win for the season.

Beat the meat

Now women can enjoy beating the meat with these penis pinatas. Available filled with an assortment of interesting items for her next party.

one SEXY asian BOY FOR YOU!!

me name is james, formally known as DVK| is korean. me is sexy. ME is called the fly hustalah by mayn womens. you may bid on my for a date, or a night of steamy romance. in my country, i am called jaha. you may bid on my for a date, or a steamy night or fun. i am not a gigalo, but i can how u say, "entertain" you without using my hands ;) *wink *wink so bid on me for the LOVE! I LOVE AMERICA!
Not spam, but strange things on eBay. Spy him out here.

And I quote from the submittor (Mei Li), "thats the linka link!!! maybe Jui wants him!!!!!!!!! LOL"

TUESDAY, 10/16/2001, 12:00pm HST by Raul

Handspring Treo


So Handspring finally got off their asses and released something new. It's a Palm phone concept, but smaller than most other designs and has an optional keyboard configuration. It also has a color screen option (oooh). Official Handspring Treo page here, more pics here.

Speaking of Palm devices ... I am becoming increasingly convinced that the Sony Clie S320 is THE PalmOS device to get for under $200. The memory stick price issue is pretty much moot as 1) you don't need really huge ones and 2) only CF can really significantly beat it for price, but the only PalmOS devices that use CF are the Handera models, both of which cost significantly more than the Sony device. The S320 is very compact, narrower than a Palm V and a little longer, has a jog wheel, uses a Li-Ion battery, syncs via USB, has 4MB Flash ROM (vs non-flash for equivalent Palm models and 2MB flash on older models) and comes with a case. And the kicker? Sony just dropped the price from $199 to $169!

Air track


Here's a cool Web resource that allows you to graphically track any airline flight in the nation. Be sure to click "Show More Airlines" if the one you want isn't on the list. offers a very similar service, but their maps aren't as comprehensive. From D via Jui.


Gspot is sending me little military hardware clips now. Here's a government-produced documentary piece on the Stinger antiaircraft missile.

Hemp food ban pushed

Washington, DC -- Regulations announced this week by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) criminalize the possession and manufacture of any edible hemp seed or oil products - including snack bars, veggie burgers and salad oils - that test positive for trace levels of THC. Under the new law, which takes effect immediately, "No person may manufacture or distribute any such product for human consumption within the United States." Any person or proprietor who possesses these products will have 120 days to dispose of them or face criminal prosecution.
This is just going too far. I wonder if this affects bird feed as well. Hit up the full story here.

MONDAY, 10/15/2001, 11:Ish pm HST by Penfold

More than you wanted to know

More than you probably wanted to know about farts.


WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) -- Canadian police said on Friday they had uncovered an elaborate drug operation in an underground bunker composed of buried railcars in rural Manitoba.
Hit up the full story here. I think they stole this idea from the pot farmers in a lava tube.

While researching for this post, I came across some strange stuff. Hawaii 5-0 Fan Fiction and an interesting Masters thesis, Hawn/CB5/H3/no. 2610 WESNER, Ben The Legal Geography of Marijuana In Hawai`i: Power, Politics and Pakalolo; Advisor: Jon Goss.

Fun with you PS2

Seems like they've invented something called the "trance vibrator" for the PS2.

MONDAY, 10/15/2001, 12:00pm HST by Raul

Cheat codes for Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX?

NHL 2k2 demo out

NHL 2k2

Yes, it's finally here. Get the official EA NHL 2002 demo here.

Check out a review here, while you're waiting for mine (heh).

Big bomb revisited


I don't think these have been dumped on the Taliban yet, but it's an entertaining read nonetheless. The BLU-82 "Daisy Cutter" is the largest conventional bomb in the U.S. arsenal -- 15,000lbs of bass-hard reponse! It was ostensibly designed for minefield clearing, but in use it has proven a powerful psychological weapon, reportedly causing many Iraqi surrenders and retreats. The best part? It's cheap! It costs only about 1/5 of a "Bunker Buster" bomb. Here are some photos of a BLU-82 detonation in Vietnam, which may not do it justice due to the heavy canopy in the area of the blast. Here's an essay on using the same "technology" to make a 200,000lb version.


"WARNING! You may be infected with a browser virus distributed with KaZaa Media Desktop!"

It's been a while since I've been without a P2P filesharing client, and the reason is spyware/adware. The methods are getting ever more devious and invasive, and some of it is downright offensive. Take for example TopText, which has been branded a virus for the way it acts. This one seems to rouse more emotion than simple ad browsers because it actually modifies the appearance of Web pages that developers have worked hard on.

Pic of the day

Smokin' Token
Click to enlarge.

Pocket games

So after the Daikatana debacle, John Romero realized that his talents lie with coding for substantially weaker hardware. So he joined up with Tom Hall (of Anachronox fame) and created Monkeystone, a game company devoted to the PocetPC platform.

SUNDAY, 10/14/2001, 2:Ish am HST by Penfold

Just a little late.

All for science

What is is like to have sex in a MRI? Pretty interesting, read a participant's opinion here.

Because he got high

From an obscure artist selling CDs out of a cardboard box, to a major pot smoking anthem all because of Bluntman and Chronic. Read about the success of Afroman and his silly little song here.

Microsquish hockey

Someone is bitching and moaning about how they can't listen to hockey online anymore. My guess is because it's being streamed through MS now. Read about it here. It's probably due to a configuration in the HA firewall. (It's not. -Raul) At least when you get stuck being the head of IT, you can configure the network however you want.

Speaking of hockey

For the week of 10/14/01

  • FSW-42 Tue, Oct 16, 2001 4:30 PM "Washington Capitals at Los Angeles Kings"
  • FSWH-41 Tue, Oct 16, 2001 4:30 PM "Washington Capitals at Los Angeles Kings"
  • FSW-42 Wed, Oct 17, 2001 9:00 AM "Washington Capitals at Los Angeles Kings"
  • FSWH-41 Wed, Oct 17, 2001 9:00 AM "Washington Capitals at Los Angeles Kings"
  • ESPN-22 Wed, Oct 17, 2001 2:00 PM "Dallas Stars at St. Louis Blues"
  • ESPN-22 Wed, Oct 17, 2001 9:00 PM "Dallas Stars at St. Louis Blues"
  • ESPN2-21 Thu, Oct 18, 2001 1:30 PM "Philadelphia Flyers at Detroit Red Wings"
  • FSW-42 Thu, Oct 18, 2001 4:30 PM "Anaheim Mighty Ducks at Los Angeles Kings"
  • ESPN2-21 Thu, Oct 18, 2001 4:30 PM "Anaheim Mighty Ducks at Los Angeles Kings"
  • FSWH-41 Thu, Oct 18, 2001 4:30 PM "Anaheim Mighty Ducks at Los Angeles Kings"
  • ESPN2-21 Thu, Oct 18, 2001 10:00 PM "Philadelphia Flyers at Detroit Red Wings"
  • FSW-42 Fri, Oct 19, 2001 9:00 AM "Anaheim Mighty Ducks at Los Angeles Kings"
  • FSWH-41 Fri, Oct 19, 2001 9:00 AM "Anaheim Mighty Ducks at Los Angeles Kings" went live on Sept 14, 2000. The Archives are updated every Wednesday and Sunday (theoretically), with one new archive file being created for each week. Archives from 9/9/01 and earlier use the old site design.

Please note that due to the dynamic nature of the sites we link to, many links may deteriorate or outright break over time. If there is one you are particularly interested in that you can't find, contact us.

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