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SATURDAY, 11/11/2000, 10:58am HST by Penfold
The "News Bombs" Edition

Some hard core Star Wars content for you tweakers out the.

All ASCI, All the Time

Lego Wars

Without further ado, straight onto the Star Wars content. Impressive feats of tweakage. Both of these people had way too much time on their hands. The Lego Wars got mercilessly /.ed, so this is the mirror.

Mindless Destruction

Check out the destruction here. We may do end up doing an article like this out on Fordman's boat if the surf ever goes down. We have the dead computers, just got to figure out how to float them.

Blue Mice

For those of you who took my advice and bought a MS optical mouse, here's some instruction how to change the color. Any color LED should work. Maybe one of those super bright blue ones would be cool.

Legal Ramblings

This one if for Gary. The city councils in Germany are sifting through the garbage to make sure that people are recycling. Read the story here. From back when I used to live in Germany, they take their recycling seriously. As a side note, I don't think the could do this in Hawaii without a search warrant.

It's Good to be the Crown Prince

Read the story here about how the Crown Price of Thailand made a huge take out order from a restaurant in England. Not weird enough yet? Instead of flying to England to sample it, he had it sent all back to Bangkok.

Florida's Presidential Ballot

Offical Palm Beach Ballot

I promised Laura I'd post this to extend her 5 minutes on internet fame. I've seen this somewhere else, but I can't put my finger on it.

FRIDAY, 11/10/2000, 4:58pm HST by Penfold
The "Pot Roast" Edition

Some quick updates to some stories.

It Actually Exists

Laura, our intrepid paralegal who actually reads this page from the mainland, says that the Big Bone Lick State Park is an actual park in KY, near to where she lives. See, we don't make this stuff up.

I have no idea if she is a frequent user of this park.

DirectX8 Yawn

Like Raul said in his post, the DirectX8 drivers are available for you consumption. I downloaded it and it actually didn't do anything. My 3Dmark2000 score went up by a whole 2 points. Might make a bigger difference when nVidia releases a driver for DX8. Fear not, more testing will come.

Tweaker Mike Hatori better watch out.

Poor VW
This load would have been big for even a Ford F150, but this is just plain nuts. Click here for the full story. Seannie must be crying now.

Poor Jetta

FRIDAY, 11/10/2000, 2:10pm HST by Raul

Penfold escaped the dirty posting he was about to receive.

you da man! you da man!

The election's wrapping up (slowly), so I better burn the rest of the Gore-Bush photos I have lying around. These are somewhat scary. Bush's one is flipped horizontally, and Gore's one was uh, altered.*

* It originally said "Extending our prosperity".

DirectX 8.0 released

Word to your mother's uncle. Official release here. But you can also get it at any number of hardware sites around the Net.


Above is the new fighter jet being developed for the U.S. and her allies, the X-35A Joint Strike Fighter. Leave it up to the U.S. government to spend millions of dollars to achieve what the rest of us do with a $1 Bic lighter. *rimshot*

That's because they didn't have an extensive Joint Research Program headed up be Dr. Shirota. -Penfold

But politics are obscene

A US Republican congressional candidate became the victim of his own campaigning after Web filters blocked traffic to his site.

Jeffery Pollock, a conservative Christian who waged an unsuccessful campaign for the Third Congressional District seat in Oregon, had been a staunch supporter of filters.

This is just poetic. Actually I bet his site was blocked for containing racial slurs. Hit up the full story here.

Speaking of politics, if you wanted to know just what was written on the hacked RNC site, click here.

Glass 1 Glass 2

This is semi-old news (a couple weeks), but a $57.3 million Museum of Glass is being planned in Tacoma along the Foss Waterway. Its signature feature will be a 90-foot inverted cone. It's supposed to have glass workshops where the public can watch visiting artists work.

Leading up to the museum will be a 500-foot glass-and-steel walkway along the waterfront, designed by renowned glass artist Dale Chihuly. Imagine a Dale Chihuly signature series of, uh, tobacco waterpipes.

Ballot brouhaha

HardOCP readers have thrown up a couple of funny commentaries on the whole Florida balloting debacle here and here.

I actually have more, but I'll let these posts stew until tomorrow.

FRIDAY, 11/10/2000, 10:58am HST by Penfold
The "Veterans Day" Edition

To Raul, I say "feh".

Mindless Destruction

Looks like the Daily Radar has some more toys they want to destroy. The hard part is those toys could be worth money on eBay. Read the article here. THe Daily Radar is what became of the ill fated PC Accelerator.

street sign

This should be the sign in front of Exotic Nights.

Photo of the Day


Truth in advertising.

THURSDAY, 11/9/2000, 1:45pm HST by Raul
The "Coffeecup Expired" edition



This news "hot off the presses," so to speak. The David Black has reached an "agreement in principle" with Gannett to purchase the Honolulu Star Bulletin. The Honolulu Advertiser had the more complete story at first, but the Bulletin has stepped up with its own comprehensive story that includes a PDF of the actual Black Press news release.

I bet the mood in the newsroom is the best it's been in a year. Congratulations to all the staff over at the Star-Bulletin. Oh and if you are interested in this drama, although it is now drawing to a close, check out Final Days?, S-B investigative reporter Ian Lind's daily diary/newsroom scuttlebutt site.

Domestic rice

I could never condone taking a perfectly good Mustang and making it look like an imported P.O.S. But some people, evidently, would like to. Someone makes "Altezza" lights for Mustangs. Maybe these are the ones the confused Ebay guy was talking about. I blurred the name of the site because I don't want them getting no fuckin' hits from us. Feh upon you if you own these:


Nerdy boys need love too

Las Vegas may be full of art these days, but most people going to Comdex on Nov. 13 are more interested in tits than Titian.

As the largest trade show in North America rolls into town, the city's prostitutes, strippers and escorts are gearing up for a very busy week.

Hit up the full story here. Wanna know more about them strippers (admit it)? Check this article out.

'Everyone gets theirs in the end' dept.

A federal grand jury yesterday indicted Honolulu Councilman Andy Mirikitani on six felony charges — including wire fraud, theft, bribery and extortion — for allegedly paying two of his former office workers nearly $26,600 in bonuses in exchange for their kicking back $6,884 to him in campaign contributions and cash.
Mirikitani has been waging a war on personal freedom for years with taxpayer money. He is also a total freak. And all these years, he's been parading around like he's morally pristine. A big "fuck you" to Andy. We hope they lock you up, pal. Hit up the full story here.

Thinking with the right head

Transplanting cells from the testes to the brain might one day help patients recover from stroke, say researchers in the US.
No commentary needed. Just click the link. Hit up the full story here. Thanks to HardOCP for this one.

Kasparov denied

I almost forgot! Garry Kasparov did end up losing to Vlad "The Impaler" Kramnik in the world championships. Check the site again for the official press releases and a personal statement by Kasparov.

WEDNESDAY, 11/8/2000, 8:58pm HST by Penfold
The "Penfold's Rant" Edition

My turn to lower the intellectual boom.

Democrats are Idiots


All the Democrats are up in arms over Nader supporters. They accuse Nader of taking the victory away from Al.

Hello???? Isn't that like blaming Bush for taking away votes from Al? They're a friggin third party, where did you expect the votes to come from?

It's the Democrats own fault that they lost the Nader supports. If Al had actually done something to appease the Greens or even pretended to, he might have gotten their votes.

But instead, they Democrats fell back on the old line that a vote for a third party is a wasted vote. To that hackneyed statement, I point to Governor Ventura. He won with "wasted" votes.

The Democrats saw this coming for a while. And what did they do? They opted to ALIENATE the people they needed votes from. The Democrats treated the Nader supporters like dumb assess, which only served to enforce their position. Real smart IMHO.

Guess their votes weren't wasted after all. If it teaches the Democrats to pay attention to the third party, then their votes meant something.

The Democrats can only blame themselves for this debacle.

Rant Part II

And you thought I was done? Hardly.

If Bush wins, once again, the winner of the popular vote is going to lose the election.

It's time for the electoral college to go. It makes a clear mockery of the whole equal representation idea.

Don't catch my drift? Well let me explain it to you this way. Who's vote is more valuable in this year's presidential election, my one vote in Hawaii or someone else's one vote in Florida?

If you said that they were equally valuable, then you haven't been watching the news. You think the Republicans are going to demand a recount of the ballots in Hawaii?

I'm tired of the of politicians totally ignoring Hawaii because we only have 4 Electoral College votes. Granted this annoys me to no end because I live in the western-most state, where often the election is decided before polls close. But I'm sure people who lives in small population states like Alaska or Maryland feel the same way.

Furthermore, if you lived in a heavily Democratic state like Hawaii or a heavily Republican state like Utah, anyone who votes against the prevailing party is essentially throwing away their vote. You think a Bush vote in Hawaii or a Gore vote in Utah had ANY impact on the national election?

The electoral college may have been a useful in the 18th century. But it's the 20th century now, so why are we still straddle with this dinosaur?


WEDNESDAY, 11/8/2000, 2:30am HST by Raul
The "America is full of inbred rednecks" edition


Yeah, so Florida's gonna get a recount, but I hold out little hope that it will change things. Oh, how I wish it would.


So what went wrong? I haven't a fucking clue. Apparently, there are about as many people with the mental capacity of grapefruits as there are people with brains in this country.

What the hell did Bush, as a candidate, have going for him? Integrity? I don't think so, a drunk driving arrest and cocaine use, even all those years ago, are a drunk driving arrest and a couple of lines more than Al Gore had against him. Morals? The governor of the state responsible for killing more people than the rest of the nation combined in the past few years could hardly be accused of being moral. Experience? What experience? Brains? WHY CAN'T ALMOST HALF THE VOTING PUBLIC SEE THAT THIS MAN IS AN IMBECILE?!?!

The other day, I heard him say something like, "The Democrats want to take social security and make it into some kind of government program. But that's not the government's money, it's your money!" And I'm like, what the FUCK ELSE WILL IT BE IF IT IS NOT A GOVERNMENT PROGRAM?!?!?! A fucking wad of bills stuck under your mattress?

But I digress. If Bush wins the election, America will have missed out on the chance to have arguably one of the most intelligent presidents in history, and installed the intellectual equivalent of Dan Quayle. Way to go, white America.

One thing I noticed -- something I suspected all along came true. Bush's primary support base was the typical stupid white person in America, that festering, inbred backwater kind of person that knows nothing other than, "Ah reckon his pappy was a durn good prez'dent." If you look at the county breakdowns, and the states in general, the most urbanized, technologically advanced areas were strongly in the Gore camp. In Florida, the largest urban centers were in the Gore camp, many by large margins. But the preponderance of podunk towns that supported Bush added up to just enough to overcome the more educated vote.

Another observation: Take a look at the breakdown of states won by either Bush or Gore. Just about everywhere people would "want to live" if they could choose went to Gore. All the shitholes went to Bush. What does that mean?

The part of this election that will have people talking (and thinking) is that it turned out that the "votes for Nader = votes for Bush" thing turned out to be frighteningly true. Just think, without Nader in Florida -- well Gore would be winning by almost 100,000 votes.


Next rant: Hawai'i Board of Education sanctions homophobic agenda.

Pic of the day

Bong um

New feature for a while, someone sent us a small kine stash of funny pictures. We'll run one a day for the next little while.


Here's a little article by PCeXtremist on the Yamaha 16x10x40 CD-RW drive. Now that's damn fast.

Darn, and I always wanted one of those ...

SEOUL (Reuters) -- Creditors cut off their lifeline to Daewoo Motor on Wednesday after last-minute negotiations with its union collapsed, forcing the automaker which is laden with more than $10 billion in debt into Korea's biggest bankruptcy ever.
Posting this to beat my own page to the streets. I guess Korean automobiles have a, uh, limited world market. Hit up the full story here.

More l33t liberals

Yes, even more proof that liberals are better at what they do. All the 'publicans could muster was a weenie denial-of-service attack.

TUESDAY, 11/7/2000, 10:58am HST by Penfold
The "Raul Better Lay Off the B for a While" Edition

After listening to the song, I see someone was having too much fun with the mic and mixman. That would explain why he was up til 5AM.

As a reminder for those heading out to vote, the tokenasians 2000 Hawai'i state elections endorsements are ripe for your reading.

Proof that L33t Hax0rs are Liberals

With the elections rapidly approaching, looks like Gore supporters hacked the Republican National Committee web site. It was quickly fixed, but you can see rant that was posted here.

As a side note, looks like Detonate.Net is endorsing Gore. Check it out here.

Watching too Many Movies

Truly something out of a action/adventure movie without the hackneyed love story. Read about some thieves' attempt to run off with $500 million in diamonds here.

Why You Should Never Park in Front of a Fire Hydrant

Stolen from [H]ardocp
Besides the fact that the fuzz might give you a ticket, bet this BMW owner will never do it again. Check out the picture here. I must get the PS disk from Raul.

Also from [H]ardocp, check out the Hard Dick Cooler on eBay. With triple fans for people without someone else to blow for them. As Dr. Joker would say, "Adwantage, pussy".

Sex Content for the Day

Hmmmm, coming to think of it, there was this one teacher that Fordman wanted to nail. But check out the story of a teacher who was stupid enough to tell his student that he had a dream about showering with her here..

TUESDAY, 11/7/2000, 5:15am HST by Raul
Late night edition.

Well tonight is election night, and I'm working at a metropolitan daily. That means insanity. What the fuck am I doing up at 5 a.m.?

It's Election Day

So go vote. No excuses. Vote for the coke-snorting drunk, the fabricator, I mean the inventor, of the Internet, or the Corvair's worst nightmare. Or even one of those other drug-addled, delusion candidates. Oh, and I found a picture to go with Penfold's previous post:


Oh well, at least Bush has the support of really small town folk.


Here's a site called Fucked Company, which is a take on the classic celebrity "dead pool," except it is based around dot-com companies. You get points if a company you picked shows signs of going belly up (more if it actually does).

I decided to make a copy of their logo, because it may not be there for long. Fast Company apparently did not like the humor of the logo design, and Fucked Company is now soliciting logos from aspiring graphic designers. Hmm, maybe I should submit one.

Paper trails

Here's a site called the Smoking Gun that posts up interesting documents from public records. Of course you can find the W. dui documents here. This one will probably find its way into the great content list.

Doonesbury dirt

No one ever accused Doonesbury of being politically correct. Sometimes, though, Trudeau is right on the mark.

I'm going in, boys (and girls), cover me. *Aaaaaa*

MONDAY, 11/6/2000, 6:58pm HST by Penfold
The "Day Before Elections" Edition

Yeah, tomorow is a State holiday, so Legal Aid is closed. One more day off. Wait, I usually get Tuesdays off anyways, oh well.

Johnny Glow

For those late night, half asleep trips to the can. Check out the Johnny Glow website here. Make sure to check out the Johnny Glow theme song while you're there.

Bullshit Bingo

In law school, people used to play a bingo game where you'd fill your bingo cards with names of students. Whenever the student said something to the professor in class, you'd get to check them off. So, it only seems appropriate to name this political game the same thing. Something to do when you're stuck in a news room waiting for polling results.

Powerful Negotiation Tools

Got a wage dispute with your boss? Try this man's dispute resolution technique. Hmmm, if I was this person's boss, I'd pay him whatever he wanted. Raul got off lucky, he just had to ask for his money.

Scooped Fox News Again

Looks like Fox News finally got around to reporting about the adult film industry endorsing Gore. That's what happens when you get tokenasianed. Read their story here.

MONDAY, 11/6/2000, 1:30pm HST by Raul

So last night, according to local news media, the house at 3526 Sierra Drive burned down due to an "unattended candle." Hey! I used to live there.

I wonder if they were using candles so they didn't have to keep flicking the lighter. -Penfold

Tilapia programmer

Here's a link to a freeware program that lets you change the logo on your Nokia phone, just like all the cool kids do. You'll need a data cable, but the page has a link to that, too.

Gay AOLusers

Ripped from HardOCP: When someone says AOLer's are "gay," they could be more right than they know. An analyst thinks 20-30% of AOL's users are, indeed, gay. Scroll to the end of the article for those, uh, figures.

Must be pure peruvian flake

Druggy thieves tried to snort a bag of powder found in Dee Blyth's living room -- not realising(sic) it was the ashes of her dead DOG.
Hit up the full story here.

Tef pointed this site out to me, Consumption Junction, which is really a lot of fun. Here are a few examples: 1 2 3 4

Oh and not to forget this one:

Simply Fab(io)

Another one from the Lemur: an interview with some strippers. Is it just me, or could these guys be the very AOL users we've heard so much about?

SUNDAY, 11/5/2000, 7:15pm HST by Raul

Throw the bums out!

We have posted our 2000 Hawai'i state elections endorsements. Get out and vote.

Win! Win!

This actually happened a few days ago, but we won Lord Stanley's cup. I must say they did put some extra detail into the cup texture. Very nice. And the playoff-specific commentary was a winner.

Gore's secret weapon

Here's something for the ladies in the audience. It's a rather, uh, revealing picture of Gore. Complete with commentary. Thank the Lemur for this one.

Dual-flip chip! Aisoos! Aisoos!

Chip 2X

X-bit labs checks in with their VIA SMP writeup. Does a comparison between BX SMP solutions and newer Via chipset solutions.

Now about that Toyota Cherokee ...

Another mirrored eBay page. This poor boy is confused. But what did we expect? He's an AOLer on top of everything else.

The parting shot

Hot on the heels of Naked News: Swimsuit Sports! Oh I didn't notice, Naked News updated their interface. If you were on dialup and had problems viewing it before, go check again.

SUNDAY, 11/5/2000, 10:58am HST by Penfold
The "Working on the Endorsements" Edition

Watching Will Smith trying to act in a drama, could death be much worse? We will be working on our tokenasians voter guide, hope to have it out before 11/7.

One Way to Get People to Vote

Win a Benelli Super Black Eagle 12-gauge shotgun, that would inspire me to go out and vote. That's exactly what some Atlanta gun shops are doing. Read the story here.

A Mac PC?

Some rumor milling. What would happen if Apple built a Mac using an Intel or AMD processor and PC parts? That would make dual booting into Windows or MacOS a possibility. Not only that, it would also drive down prices if Apple fully embraces PC hardware. Read the story that started this musing here.

Would You Really Buy One from Kmart?

Seems that Kmart is getting into the computer business. Oh great, a new flood of AOLusers from the trailer parks of America. Another point, you expect the counter slave to be able to give you tech support. Hell, some of the computer stores in Hawaii (Byteware, I'm looking at you) hire people who are just as clueless. Check out the blue light special here.

Wasting Time on the Internet on the Clock

Seems like some companies are having problems with their workers wasting time on the internet while working. If they ever got on my case where I work, I guess I just have to be like the supervisors and switch over to playing MS Solitaire. Waste some time (hope you're at work) reading the story here.

Too Hardcore

When I was in Thailand, I remember seeing the muffler shop making their own mufflers. But this guy is way more hardcore. Read about his story here.

Sex Content for the Day must be making some money as their stream has advertisements on it. They must be getting lots of hits now. See what happens when you get tokenasiansed.

News? Click the paper and send it to us!

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