Please email us if you find any dead links in this archive.
SATURDAY, 11/25/2000, 5:58pm HST by Penfold The "POS Web Host" Edition
Don't blame me for the lack of content, the ftp server was down AGAIN. And it seems like all the news went on a Thanksgiving vacation too.
Web Professionals?
British Association of Web Professionals Web site was hacked about two days ago, and of this writing, the defacement is still up. Go check it out here.
If they finally got off their assess and fixed it, you can see a mirror of it here. Getting hacked is one thing, but getting hacked by a cartoon
character from the Rugrats and not fixing it for days is just an embarrassment.
Netscape 6
From our server logs, we can tell that most of you use IE. But for those who don't, Netscape has just released the newest version of their browser.
I used to be the NS fiend, but I have been moving to the IE side of the force. Read an article about it here. For RR users, use the Oceanic Tucows Mirror, easy 200Kps.
10 Things We're Not Thankful For
The Daily Radar has an article, just in time for Thanksgiving, about 10 things we aren't thankful for. Although Seannie would disagree about the Samurai, it is mostly right.
Read the article here.
PS I kinda like Zima with grenadine but don't tell anyone.
Things that Don't Suck
Well sucking can be good sometimes, but I digress.
Maximum3D has a review of a brand new Alpha SECC2 cooler. It really looks like 2 PEP66 stuck together. Problem is it's too huge, can block the AGP slot. Don't believe me, take a look.
From our favorite glass vase store comes their newest product, the Crystal Catcher. Check it out here.
FRIDAY, 11/24/2000, 7:00pm HST by Raul
The lazy day edition
The eagle and his viper
Up there is our friend, Eddie "the Eagle" Belfour, the Stars' goalie and one of the premiere in the league. At least he does
good things with all that money.
Win 9x variant shortcoming
Like world+dog, we were obviously looking for something to beat up on Intel with following the launch of the P4.
Unlike most of the planet, we reckoned that an old BIOS shipped with a couple of old mobos wasn't much of a story.
We much preferred a glitch we'd discovered a couple of weeks ago that appeared to be a rerun of the Caminogate RDRAM cockup.
And, unlike some folk, we actually did some research before loosing the hounds on Chipzilla
The Reg "discovers" that Win 9x/ME can't take more than 512MB RAM. Hit up the full story here.
Rootin' Putin
This is an image I've been sitting on for a while now. It seems that on a visit to China, Russian president Vlad Putin, who
is a judo black-belt (for hold up pants), visited Kodokan judo hall in Tokyo. With prime minister Yoshio Mori looking on,
he invited 10-year-old Natsumi Gomi onto the mat after getting a bouquet of roses from her.
Now THAT'S something you'll never see a U.S. president do.
Butter balls
HUNTLEY, Ill. (Reuters) -- A delicacy unlikely to grace Thanksgiving tables -- turkey testicles --
were gobbled up by the dozen at an Illinois tavern on Wednesday as part of the pub's pre-holiday tradition.
Hit up the full story here.
Also from Iwon:
Getting tipsy
I have been sitting on this link for longer than I can remember, waiting for just the slow-ass
day to post it on. The Official Cow Tipping page.
It is rather inane, but might be good for one shit and one giggle.
Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?
Here's a page with the Art of Wesley Willis. If you don't know who Wesley Willis is,
go search for his songs on Napster and check out his home page, or search around the Web for
the (much more comprehensive) fan sites.
FRIDAY, 11/24/2000, 2:15am HST by Raul
I'm all cashed, so I just took on one major task tonight. Check out Penfold's deep-fried turkey recipe. I'll post more tomorrow.
Made one other change as well, the "Welcome" banner has been replaced by the banner from the latest article. Let us know
what you think.
THURSDAY, 11/23/2000, 11:58am HST by Penfold The "I Don't get Friday Off" Edition
Lack of content, I don't see no stinkin' lack of content.
Fry Time
These are your respective fry times, so make sure to show up on time at my Manoa place.
Weid at 3:30PM. Status: Done
Yosh at 4:30PM. Status: Done
Mine at 5:30PM. Status: Done and eaten
Raul at 6:30PM. Status: Done deal
The turkey fryer is done for Thanksgiving. If you want one done, you're going to have to bribe me.
Voodoo V6 Speeds
Maybe this will settle it on how fast the 4 chip 3dfx V5-6000 really is. Five finger discounted from our friends at the Firing Squad.
Comdex -- Brandon was able to distract Bubba with a couple questions, and we managed to grab a few Quake 3 numbers off the Voodoo5 6000/P3-800E system. The card will never reach retail shelves, but we were still curious. All tests are in High Quality.
1024 w/o FSAA: 90fps
1024 2X FSAA: 89.3fps
1024 4X FSAA: 86.9fps
1600x1200 w/o FSAA: 68.2
Hit up the full story here. The actual Quake numbers are here.
3D Chipset has a little blurb about the price of the 3dfx V5 5500 falling through the floor here.
I can verify the price drop, I've seen the retail prices dropping to below $200. In fact, I picked up one for $163.12 shipped by UPS 2nd day air from Would you like one this cheap too? Use this coupon for $30 off any purchase over $150 by a new buyer. They are also
offering discounted shipping til the end of the week. Or, go search [H]
for the coupon link.
More Evil Empire News
Since the DOJ is all over Microsoft's case, the Evil Empire has to tone down its monopolistic tendencies. So now, Microsquish is warning OEMs about the danger of selling "naked computers".
Raul has even been known to run his computer topless because she likes it. (Actually it refers to a computer without an OS). Read a review of MS's warnings here.
The Eviler Empire
What is the one power that can be more evil that the Evil Empire? Who else but the US Government. Looks like Carnivore can do more than the DOJ would like us to believe.
Read a review of the carnivore reviews here.
Ping Timed Out
If you understood this title, you are indeed a hax0r g33k. But Mike Muuss, the writer of that infamous little bit of code, has passed on.
So in his memory, you get to read my haiku to ping.
Haiku to a Ping
O ping, why so high?
Rainbow Six, Quake3, or Tribes
Must have DSL
Airline Problems
Will all the discontent going on in the airline industry, I guess it's a good thing I didn't take a winter trip. It seems that both UAL and NWA (the airlines not the rappers) are going to court to prevent their mechanics
from making too many work requests. Now, let me be the first to say, I'd love to be the atty if one of the planes decided to fall out of the sky because of lack of maintanance. Inspect the story here.
Thankful for...
If you're getting something something, be thankful for it because many of us aren't. So I'm going to bust a nut full of sex news for you.
Leave it to Fox News to post about this. Call it "uplifting education". I was never this lucky at UH.
The one time I tried to take the PSY Human Sexuality class, it was already packed to the gills. The weirdest class I did take was SCI Food in History.
I sure hope it's boneless.
Greens Sex
No, I'm not talking about smoking out and getting laid.
Berlin (Reuters) -- "We're always in the mood," Greens party manager Reinhard Buetikofer said of a survey by the Emnid polling institute for the University of Landau that found their backers embraced each other as much as ecology: 71 percent had sex at least weekly.
Get busy with the full story here.
Hmmm, I wonder if I can get them to go?
THURSDAY, 11/23/2000, 3:40am HST by Raul
Well it's Turkey day, and it's going to be a busy one for your two intrepid Webmasters. We apologize in advance for any shortage of content.
We will try, though.
Grub it
Someone threw up this little bit of grafitti in the can at work. It's a commentary on the
money-grubbing nature of the corporate news business. Hey as long as that money flows freely into my pocket, they can grub
all they want.
Whitewash backlash
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- House Republican leader Dick Armey added his voice Wednesday to those accusing an outside
review panel of whitewashing a controversial FBI cyber surveillance tool.
"The Department of Justice stacked the deck for this report," said Armey, of Texas, a champion of smaller,
less intrusive government. "It selected reviewers and set the rules in order to ensure they would get the best possible review."
Where politics and ethics meet.
Hit up the full story here.
Tee hee
Broward County canvassing board member Judge Robert W. Lee gestures when asked about the dimples, as in the dimpled ballots that
were to be reviewed Tuesday at the Broward County Emergency Operations Center in Florida. I know at least one of you out there
will really get a kick out of this picture.
Video madness
Just where is this crazy train of ever-more-powerful video products going? Anand (the wonder boy) Lal Shimpi gives us
his optionion.
This is Christophe Pecnard, a lawyer for Yahoo!. Hes giving an interview outside the Paris Justice court Monday after a
French court ordered Yahoo! to block French users from its auction sites selling Nazi shit. But I am only posting his
mug because his name is "Pecnard." Hehe, it sounds like two dirty words in one.
Palm Piddling
US start-up Worldwide Widget Works wants to turn Palm's PDA into a handheld gaming platform
by developing the first game controller for the Palm III and VII series machines.
We'll see if this takes off.
Hit up the full story here.
WEDENSDAY, 11/22/2000, 11:35am HST by Raul
Well I have to go in to work early today, so I will only be able to make a token 1-article posting, and it is mostly site news.
Token post
Well, the pic of the day well is just about dry, but I just got a Palm IIIc and a
Kodak Palmpix. Anyway, up there is the first public consumption photo from the
Palmpix. It's the infamous Olds, but it's a little hard to see the 3 glorious inches under the bumper. Better pics later.
A review of the Palmpix is forthcoming. Suffice to say, the image quality stinks, but the convenience factor is high.
TUESDAY, 11/21/2000, 6:58pm HST by Penfold The "Quick Update" Edition
Eating Chad Update
Washington -- And we've heard of chads actually being eaten, as in some Checkpoint-Charley swallow-the-microfilms moment. Not likely, a Republican supervisor and judge said, observing with a sly smile that he "didn't think they would taste very good."
I bet the worker was all tired and thought he found the master stash of tabs.
Hit up the full story here.
TUESDAY, 11/21/2000, 3:58pm HST by Penfold The "Bumbling Around" Edition
I skipped yesterday's postings, so today, you get the BOMB. Raul had to go to work before he got his palm pilot, I should go over there and deflower it for him (hmmm, that didn't sound right).
Hockey TV Report
Tuesday Night ESPN2 11pm, Toronto vs. New York. Next hockey is on Thanksgiving (Fried Turkey Day)
Evil Evil Empire
Whistler, the next generation of windows OS, may reject unsigned applications. This could mean that if you want any program to run under Whistler, it would probably have to be approved by Microsquish.
While this may improve the stability of the OS, it would only be a simple step to make the technology prevent you from running bootleg programs. Linux is looking better and better all the time. Read the story here.
P4 Madness
Every hardware site and their red headed step child has a P4 review out. I'll link to the [H] one since it doesn't require me to read any more reviews. It looks
like the the memory bandwidth of RDRAM is a good thing. Now if it was priced around the levels of DDR SDRAM it might stand a chance. Read the [H]ardest review here.
Evil Empiress
If MS get to be the evil empire, the Intel get to be the evil empiress. Tuplay has a list of Intel's 10 biggest screwups. Prominently remembered
is the pentium math problems (which Intel tried to shloff off). Can you guess what #1 is? See the article here.
This Sucks
This could probably happen here. The Age is reporting that one of the main fiber backbones for the Australian internet got cut, making about 2/3 of the continent's internet bandwidth fucked. Their one saving grace may be the brand new Southern Cross
backbone running through Hawaii, once the ISPs in Australia get their HW set to route to the new backbone. Read the story here.
Hardware That Doesn't Suck
A 12x Plextor CD-RW IDE or a 12x Plextor CD-RW SCSI or another 12x Plextor CD-RW SCSI. Oh the painful decisions we must make. You can't go wrong with any of these drives. 6 min a cd makes me want to go on Napster right now and be an intellectual property pirate.
Read the reviews of the three drives here.
Things That Do Suck
Looks like Michael Richards' new show is flopping. Did anyone expect anything less? He was one of the weakest characters on the only marginally funny Seinfeld.
How did NBC expect him to carry a whole show? Read the story here.
Shows That Might Suck
Wen Ho Lee of Los Alamos National Laboratory fame has sold the right for his story to made into a book and a television miniseries. I wonder how the writers and directs will treat the issues.
I don't really think that they would take a very critical light on the US government. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Option the story here.
For Gary
The English are about to open a wave powered electricity generating facility. We're small islands surrounded by water, so why aren't we all over this? We have may alternative energy alternatives, so why aren't we using them? This is
what happens when there's a electric monopoly. We can do geothermal, thermal inversion, wind, solar, and biomass, and we end up burning oil. Read HECO's self-congratulatory page for throwing pennies at alternative energy research. Check out the technology here and give HECO the big feh.
The Really Weird News
Get yourself some hos together and pimp like a true mack daddy til you get your chunk of the cheddar. And don't stop til you're the OG pimp gangsta player hardcore mutherfucker like Ice T.
Check out Pimpwars here.
To help you gain your positition of Master Mack Daddy, you and your hoods can utilize the You Goin' Down MothaFucka 2000, SE™ gat.
Read all about it here.
Daily Sex Content
Yes, I know why you people come here for.
Shopping and sex, what a concept. Check out the logo on the sign here.
Only for the truly weird.
TUESDAY, 11/21/2000, 12:45pm HST by Raul
The "Palm zero" edition
Pic of the day
It's a Texas horned frog ... and he's making some kind of heavy metal symbol!
Palm tweakers
This site has to be one of the most tweakingest sites for Palm OS out there.
The editors seem to have a lot of money and do nothing all day but twiddle, to be able to put up that many comprehensive reviews.
Oh the obscenity!
So, to maintain its claim on the "biggest dick" crown in graphics cards, 3DFX lackey Bubba Wofford
busted out this card
at Comdex, featuring 8-way SLI. That's right, eight
chips, and it looks like it needs two controller chips in addition to those. But it does seem to be set up for
a norma AGP slot. But DAMN, look at that power header! I'll bet you won't be able to run your computer and microwave
at the same time.
Spotted at [H]ardOCP.
Sweet load
For those of you that were, uh, interested, Semenex claims to be ready to hit market,
and will ship in 2-4 weeks. Normal orders are being taken, not just "preorders." They also have 5- and 10-packs now, so the
buy-in could potentially be cheaper.
Bugaloo flu
This one is especially for the oldschoolers out there.
It's the Breakin' movie fansite, with direct input from Adolfo "Shabba-Doo" Quinones, aka "Ozone".
There is some particularly interesting information on the cast.
While I was searching for a graphic to illustrate this article, I stumbled across this homepage, which
demonstrates what happens when Asians have no cultural context. But scroll on down and check out the guy she calls the "pinoy Will Smith."
Super funny shit.
Crip coffee
Another fine link from the Lemur. Check out
Raven's Brew "Kopi Luwak" Coffee. Guaranteed
to be the weirdest coffee you ever drank. Be sure to check out the animated .gif on this page.
MONDAY, 11/20/2000, 3:15am HST by Raul
The twilight zone post
Somehow, I, uh, forgot to do content yesterday.
Pic of the day
Turbocharged bar stool?
I am about to give in to the Palm side of the force, so there is a possibility that some Palm-formatted
content may be up later.
Plam part 2
So I've been digging around for PDA knowledge, and it seems like the way to go in greyscales is the
TRGPro, which can take a flash memory module.
It is a little pricey, but the benefits are worth it.
Dangerous, though. On the eve of the eve of becoming Palmy, I am already thinking
bad thoughts. The best
sites I've looked at thus far are Pencomputing and PDABuzz.
Pen gets points for taking the things apart to show you the insides. PDABuzz has a pretty damn good
user comment system, plus they have some good reviews.
Akebono wins
Hawaii-born Akebono won his 11th tournament title
Sunday. He is the 7th-winningest yokozuna ever. But he's still got 20 wins to go to catch the mighty Chiyonofuji.
Follwing (hemp) suit
HONOLULU -- As Hawai‘i starts to implement its medical marijuana program, it can look to the Pacific Northwest for clues
as to how successful, or financially feasible, the initiative will be.
Gotta love good medicine.
Hit up the full story here.
Secondary pic of the day
How cuuuuuute. *sputter* Not to leave you dog people out, here's some dog content.
The new Radio Free
Well at least the next best thing. Support the college radio station concept, and in particular, KTUH.
If you're lucky, you might catch DJ Lemur's show some early Sunday morning.
But do it soon, she's only got three shows left.
More green news
I kept forgetting to post this one.
Washington, DC -- A number of marijuana-related initiatives were approved in Tuesday's general election,
including two medical marijuana initiatives, two measures reforming asset forfeiture and one keeping non-violent
drug offenders out of prison.
Hit up the full story here.
SUNDAY, 11/19/2000, 4:58pm HST by Penfold The "New Bowls in the House" Edition
Got in some new bowls from , looks nice, mine has a small hole, yoshi's one has a big hole.
Cool little web site to go along with Napster. This web site is a repository of song lyrics and offers a search engine. So if you only know a phrase from the song, this page will look it up for you.
Used it today to find the CSN&Y Wasted All the Way. Now if I can find the Pandanus Club version.
Vid Card News
Seems like something new comes out every day. I should make this like the sex content for the day.
Anyways, there are some rumored specs of the new 3dfx Rampage chips floating. Looks like 3dfx will be including a T&L engine. Specs still call for a 4 processor version.
Overhear the rumors here.
Evil Empire News
Looks like the evil empire is about to become a little more evil. Their newest Office 10 release will include both a regular version and a subscription based version. I guess MS couldn't figure out how to make Office harder to pirate.
The question which begs to be asked, is will Office 11 be subscription only? I suggest the massess revolt against this idea or move to WordPerfect or StarOffice. Read Microsquish's press release here.
Raul and I pledge that this site will never be subscription based (unless we turn into a pr0n site).
What happens to your dogs when you pass away? A Florida university professor has an answer, a doggie retirement home. While not cheap, the facility would provide perpetual care for your
doggie once you've passed on. Gnaw on the story here.
Daily Sex Content
The Israeli under-21 soccer team is set to be disbanded over allegations of the players engaging in a pre-game orgy. Afterwards, the team went on to win 2-1.
Fondle the story here.
News? Click the paper and send it to us!