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SATURDAY, 2/3/2001, 2:55pm HST by Raul and Penfold
A dual-post, see, there is hope for the civilized world.

NHL All-Star Weekend!

All-star weekend

Well it's the All-star weekend, starting today with the All-star skills competition at 3 and 11:30 on ESPN, and the All-star game itself tomorrow at 9:30am on ABC (and ESPN?) The broadcasts will feature new technology in a manner not unlike the Super Bowl's new souped-up broadcast: sensors on certain players will calculate speed, distance skated and areas patrolled.

Unfortunately, perennial top-scorer Jaromir Jagr is out of the All-star lineup after suffering a concussion in this week's 5-1 loss to Philly.

Peddling religion

Ayatollah Dalai Lama

Go check out Jesus Christ Superstore, where they sell stuff like religious action figures of the Ayatollah and Dalai Lama. Reminds me of the black and white Jesi.

Poetic justice for cell-phone abuser

A Saudi court sentenced an army captain Saturday to 70 lashes for using a mobile phone on a domestic flight, court officials said.

The court said the man put passengers and himself at risk by using his phone during takeoff despite orders from members of the crew that he turn it off. The flight was delayed 30 minutes as a result, and airport security eventually escorted the man off plane, Al-Eqtisadiyah newspaper reported.

Hit up the full story here.

Frat flap

The University of North Texas has suspended a fraternity chapter for five years after members allegedly used racial slurs and waved a Confederate battle flag at a group of mostly black football recruits.

Kappa Alpha's suspension, issued Friday, is the longest ban the school has ever handed out. The fraternity must vacate the house and withdraw from activity at the university until the suspension ends, officials said.

Not very surprising, considering the intelligence level of your average frat-boy. Hit up the full story here.

FRIDAY, 2/2/2001, 10:58pm HST by Penfold
The "Back to 80 Degrees" Edition

First Raul bitches and moans that he's going to be doing all the content. So I send him content, the he bitches and moans about having to post twice as much. Slacker!!!

Vortech 2001

The new supercharger kits from Vortech are out. I must say, the 99 Mustang GT and the Countor kits are looking pretty fine. Might have to rice out and buy a countor. Check the out here.

Iron Chef the Movie?

Well, it's only in the thinking-about-it stage, but at least there's some thinking about an Iron Chef based movie. Read about it here.

Promotion of a Detriment Drug in the Third Degree

Whitney is getting screwed by the Kailua-Kona courts. They're trying to take back her DANC plea. The deal was she pays $1,000 to the state and a $25 "criminal injury" fee; made a $3,000 donation to the group Big Island Wave Riders Against Drugs; and submitted a substance-abuse assessment. If she was in Honolulu and not so famous, the standard det thrid plea for a DANC is $25-50 fine. Read about her ordeal here.

Watch Pr0n at Home

Unless you're into that exhibitionist thing, you should restrict your pr0n watching to your home. Not at the local a/v store. Read what happens if you do here.

FRIDAY, 2/2/2001, 1:35am HST by Raul

Well, bust mah britches, if'n I don't hafta be in at werk durn near 9 am tomorra. Looks like I gots ta be postin' weakly right this minute...

Don't touch my car

Master blaster

Well leave it up to white South Africans, the inventors of Apartheid, to come up with a sadistic device like this. It's the Blaster and will positively toast any bums that come up to wipe your windows. WARNING: There's MIDI music on this page, so turn the speakers off for a bit.

Playing with mail

These guys did some experiments with mailing various odd things that were either unwrapped or otherwise oddly packaged. Check out the results here.

Azn babes

Amazon surfers have been getting an eyeful after the e-tailer splashed pornographic photos on its site.

The pictures are part of a book is flogging called Asian Ladies Photobook. As the title suggests, it features photos of Asian 'ladies' doing various daily activities around the house, such as playing board games or drawing in a book, whilst wearing not much more than a pair of earrings.

And yes, they DO have a link to the Amazon page. Go check it out. (fap fap fap) Hit up the full story here.

Never fear, Penfold will be home this afternoon to post fresh content for you all!

THURSDAY, 2/1/2001, 1:15pm HST by Raul

So as I was working on this double-post, I realized that by sending me content to post up, Penfold is actually creating double the work for me.

Digital celluloid perversion

Thin H Line

From the Freakylemur: Check out this amusing (if racy) comic strip called the Thin H Line. I actually have known about this strip for some time, but I waited until someone else submitted it so I wouldn't seem like a perv. Obviously, the Lemur camp has its share of perversion.

Multicolumn start menu reg hacks

So I forgot to post this yesterday, but I finally got off my ass and figured out how to change your Windoze 98 start menu from scrolling to multi-column. Check this site for the quick goods. And then, use this hack to get a switch in your "folder options" menu.

#B^D )

Leave it to the Japanese to take things just a little too far. Actually some of these Japanese emoticons are kinda neat. Others are, well, someone had way too much time on his or her hands. Schala, are you listening???

R j00 l33t?

So if all this l33t speak baffles you, check out this l33t-5p43k generator, which will take ordinary speak and turn it into something that's way too fucking hard to type.

Big tools, inquire within

So, if you're exceptionally well-hung, and in the California area, check out this chick's page. My god, what the hell is wrong with people these days? I mean why be obsessed with a sex organ but say 'no sex!'?

NHL news

Just one piece today: the Flyers beat up on the Pens 5-1 last night.

THURSDAY, 2/1/2001, 12:30am HST by Penfold

10 worst wipeouts


Dailyradar has posted the 10 worst natural disasters. Look at the pic for the tsunami. Isn't that from that Japanese book about the guy in the peach? [No, that book didn't have the artist's seal on it -Raul]

What I find ironic is that there is one of the greatest natural disasters of all time, at least enough to surpass #9, going on right now in India, and these guys missed it -Raul

Alladvantage R.I.P.

AllAdvantage has this to say (front page of site). "In 1999, sought to build the first Internet infomediary to create truly interactive, one-to-one relationships... but we spent a small fortune and now no one wants to lose another fortune keeping a little Web site running for another six months, so we're" [That bit after the ellipsis was our paraphrase.]
I did manage to get one $25 check from alladvantage, so at least I got something before they went Hit up the full story here.

I always did think Alladvantage was a R.I.P. -Raul

Penfold raids Reg

NEW YORK (AP) -- The Fox television network turned down a commercial for a female contraceptive product that its makers wanted to run during the racy hit reality series, "Temptation Island."
Wait, isn't this the MOST appropriate ad for this kind of crap TV? [Yeah, you don't want people who watch that shit breeding -Raul] Hit up the full story here.

Also: Puffy doesn't tip (and sometimes doesn't pay). Money makes you a cheap ass bastard [No, it made PUFFY a cheap ass bastard, that motherfucking no-talent bitchass -Raul]. With all their money, you'd think they could at least aford to tip their server.

And: Everything you wanted to know about lub. Ask Raul about Astroglide as a lubricant for the Automag. [It works! -Raul]

WEDNESDAY, 1/31/2001, 12:31pm HST by Penfold
Remote post 3 (backdated to reflect post time)

29 degrees today, nice and warm ...


This is just too odd for words. Courtesy of those bitchasses at ilovebacon.

[Ed. note: A NHL All-star game party is in the works. The skills competition is on Saturday night and the game is on Sunday morning. Any ideas? Email us.]

WEDNESDAY, 1/31/2001, 12:30pm HST by Raul

Green medicine, from the inside

Pot Medicine

Salon has posted an article which chronicles one writer's journey into getting medical marijuana in the Bay area. An excerpt:

On a case-by-case basis, we seem to be remembering that we don't want our loved ones' chemotherapy worse than it has to be, and that in fact we, or our friend, or our aunt, has smoked quite a bit of pot for quite a long time, and nothing bad has happened yet. snakes The Reg

We better enjoy it, it might never happen again. First The Reg bit:

So there we were, down the Mason's Arms, when Lester cries: "What the hell is that on his back?"

Sure enough, one of the boxers on the Eurosport channel had something written on his back. "It's bloody advertising!" Not only advertising, but Ottge from Germany, fighting Branco from Italy, (we don't know what weight - looked like welterweight) has a Web site printed on his back.

Hit up the full story here.

Now the picture and comment we had posted on 12/29/2000:

Pow! Right in the kisser!

This looks painful. Hey, is that a dot-com ad on that guy's back?!
(Click to enlarge)

The right way


And now, hot on the heels of the cheesy installation comes this, how computer-in-car ought to be done. Very nice. DVD-in-car is a killer app.

GF2Go is here!

Full immersion in a detail-rich computer game like "Quake III" requires a PC with a fast processor, plenty of memory, good graphics, and decent sound. On Monday, Toshiba announced just such a system: its new Satellite 2805 notebook.
Looks like the mobile GeForce is finally hitting the streets. Huge news for mobile computing in general. Hit up the full story here.

Akebono to train

Akebono train

Former Yokozuna Akebono will be staying in sumo as a trainer at Azumazeki stable. I could be wrong, but I believe that is the former Takamiyama's stable (Hawaii-borm Jesse Kuhaulua).

Hockey post

Jockey1 Jockey2

Our hockey pics for today both feature the Atlanta Thrashers: at left, Atlanta Thrashers' Yves Sarault takes a hit from New York Rangers' Brad Brown during the first period at Madison Square Garden monday. Game recap here.

At right, Thrashers' Darcy Hordichuk gets into a beef with the Pens' Bob Boughner last night in Atlanta. This fight was almost pre-ordained, after an incident in this game. Game recap here.

Also in NHL news: Lemieux, Forsberg named All-Star game team captains.

Oni review


Well just a day after Oni hit the shelves, the Firingsquad has a review posted up. The gist: although it has a revolutionary fighting engine and a lot of other good things going for it, it still shows signs of a rushed product. In the end, it only musters a 70% rating. The lack of multiplayer and bad level design plague it. That's somewhat disappointing to me. The demo had so much promise. Oh well ...

TUESDAY, 1/30/2001, 12:12pm HST by Penfold
Remote post 2 (backdated to reflect post time)

For kicks


A FIFA 2001 review, for you Fifa fiends.

Cheeze box


Here's an article on an in-car MP3 player. Bungie cords, how cheesy, something only a person like Raul would do.

Plam pr0n, again

SINGAPORE (Reuters) -- Pornography is popping up in Singapore palms as local Web surfers trail only Americans as the most avid users of an online porn service for handheld devices.
Hit up the full story here.

10 biggest booms


Daily Radar's latest: The 10 Coolest Movie Explosions.

TUESDAY, 1/30/2001, 10:30am HST by Raul

Collect 'em all!

Collect em

So in the latest move of insidious brilliance, one tobacco company has revived the tobacco trading card. This time around, they took a cue from the federal government and issued a 50-card set, each featuring one state.

Too hot?

The Heatsink Guide has posted a listing of maximum CPU temperatures to answer the age-old question: is my CPU running too hot or not?
Thanks [H]ardOCP.



This matador in Columbia had a nice trip when the bull got the better of him, snagging his pants leg with its horn.

Belgium gets wise

BRUSSELS, Belgium -- Last week, the Belgian government agreed to decriminalize the personal use of marijuana. According to the new regulations, citizens will now be allowed to cultivate and smoke marijuana for personal use, but will not be allowed to sell it or buy it in the country. Citizens who flagrantly smoke marijuana in public will be open to possible prosecution under Belgian "social nuisance" laws.
Those central Europeans, such social mavericks. Hit up the full story here.

Hardware, we hardly knew ya

This page has grown quite a bit since I first saw it. I think it's worthy of posting now. Check out this page of hardware obituaries. Remember fondly that old 486 or Cyrix (rimshot).

Burnin' out


Here's that guy that set himself on fire to protest nuclear power in Taiwan. Bystanders were able to put him out and he is in stable condition in the hospital without any major burns (incredibly). No word on the condition of his eyebrows though.

Roger that (hic)

If you're ever asked to do a breath test by the police you might do well to insist that they turn off their radios before you blow into their breathalyser.
Apparently, radio transmissions can trigger a false positive. That damn alcohol stuff triggers a false positive too. Hit up the Reg full story here.

Carb Shop R.I.P.?

I just heard about this, but after some searching on the Web, I couldn't come up with a full story, so this one may be revisited later. Word has it that The Carb Shop closed down (possibly a while ago) due to the death of the owner (Brad Urban?). This place seems to be the new bearer of the old Carb Shop logo now ... Got more info? Email me.

Tomorrow: Raul STFWs and solves one of the oldest mysteries of the universe -- how to get multiple columns in your start menu!

MONDAY, 1/29/2001, 3:34pm HST by Penfold
Remote post 1 (backdated to reflect post time)

It's 14 degrees F outside and freezing. Should be warming to a balmy 33 by tomorrow.

MONDAY, 1/29/2001, 11:45am HST by Raul
The "Sole provider" edition

Well, we are entering a week in which I am going to be the sole provider of content. In preparation (heh), I took last night off. So sorry if you were disappointed.

Massive multiplayer


Well I haven't had a chance to fully check these guys out or try out their service, but here it is: is a massive multiplayer matchup service (probably not unlike Gamespy) that supports something like 100 games. The part I find good/bad/disconcerting is that it can find and match users up with private IP games that are not announced anywhere ( i.e. direct-connect games between friends). I'm not sure how it does this, I guess the program sends data about the game in progress somewhere. Does anyone know if Gamespy can do this?

Nap$ter to charge

Napster's chief executive Hank Barry has told BBC News Online in an exclusive interview that users will soon be charged a membership fee.
Well, that's one simple way to turn Napster into the cash machine it never was intended to be. This article has a broken image link for some reason. Hit up the full story here.

Oni out

Oni, by Gathering of Developers, is now shipping. I checked out the demo, and I have to say, it breaks new ground in 3rd-person shooter melee action. Check out the hype, download a demo or watch a movie here.


FASA dies

FASA Corporation, the makers of many fine role-playing/war games (Battletech and Shadowrun to name a couple), is closing up shop. Maybe I'm just a nerd-in-denial, but I found this news quite sad. For many (okay okay, for ME), games like Battletech and Star Trek Ship Combat Simulator was the thing to do before computer gaming really came of age. FASA's assets also include Ral Partha, which manufactures miniature fantasy figurines. Check out the press release here.

FASA will be handing off some of its assets -- including the Battletech and Shadowrun lines, along with some of Ral Partha's assets -- to Wizkids LLC, a company created by one of FASA's founders. So save your original FASA games and materials! They are about to become collectible. Good thing I didn't get rid of all mine.

New Palms to be really tiny


Here's a ZDNet bit on the new Palms, which are expected to be smaller than ever, in some cases weighing just over 3 oz. For reference, today's Palms weigh up to twice that.

Chicken heads not in recipe

Here's a little bit on a couple that thought they found the colonel's secret recipe in the basement of a home he once owned.

Bolohead, smoking teens revisited

Salon has chimed in with its commentary on the saga of Johnny and Luther Htoo, leaders of God's Army in Myanmar that recently turned themselves in.

SUNDAY, 1/28/2001, 8:58pm HST by Penfold
The "Leaving on a Jet Plane" Edition

Hmmmm, well, I'm going to be on a plane in about 3 hours, headed out to freeze in AK. Brrrrrrr. Be back on Friday.

NY get Owned

It was a good game until the 3rd quarter. It ended up 34-7, the Giants couldn't get a break. The Ravens defense totally shut down any offensive capabilities of the giants. Read about that pitiful game here. Pepsi had the best set of ads this Super Bowl, though Jack-in-the-Box did introduce a new ad.

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