FRIDAY, 4/11/2003, 2:30am HST by Raul
Pretty tired of this war ...
Pic of the day
Sometimes you just have to leave the confines of land. Here's a peek for the deskbound.
Time is linear
This is something to just stare at for hours ... a linear clock. Fun.
Political roundup
A few things, some war-related, some not:
- Iraq-o-Meter: A quick graphical summary of the war in Iraq, in numbers.
I am not sure how current the data is.
- Iraq body count: A running tally of civilian deaths in Iraq. I actually heard about this very early in the war. The count was 18 when I first went to this page.
Very sobering. And these are the people we are NOT trying to kill!
- World conspiracy chart: A pretty funny image submtited by Redhotwheels. Full of little surprises!
- Hague Invasion Act: Did you know that not only does the US not support the International Criminal Court in The Hague (you know, the WAR CRIMES court?),
but it also passed a law that authorizes us to INVADE THE HAGUE to free any American or ally held there?
- This is one for all time: A Fark thread on If Fox News were around through the ages ...
The images are dying out slowly but even the ones left are hilarious. This one I just had to post:
I love it ...
Garage door tennis
Pretty simple. Kinda fun. Garage door tennis.
Get your picks in by noon today. And next time you're at Wal-Mart, play the game!
In Hawaii, I think that game applies to K-Mart more though.
MONDAY, 4/7/2003, 10:Ish pm HST by Penfold
Playoffs, starting 4/9/03
Hockey times
Hockey times for the week of 4/7/03. Col v. StL and Tor v. Phi look to be good matchups.
- "Conference Quarterfinal, Game 1"
ESPN, Wed Apr 09 01:00pm HST
- "Conference Quarterfinal, Game 1"
ESPN2, Wed Apr 09 01:00pm HST
- "Conference Quarterfinal, Game 1"
ESPN, Wed Apr 09 09:00pm HST
- "Conference Quarterfinal, Game 1"
ESPN2, Wed Apr 09 09:00pm HST
- "Conference Quarterfinal, Game 1"
ESPN, Thu Apr 10 01:00pm HST
- "Conference Quarterfinal, Game 1"
ESPN2, Thu Apr 10 03:00pm HST
- "Conference Quarterfinal, Game 1"
ESPN, Thu Apr 10 09:00pm HST
- "Conference Quarterfinal, Game 1"
ESPN2, Thu Apr 10 10:00pm HST
- "Conference Quarterfinal, Game 2"
ESPN2, Fri Apr 11 01:00pm HST
- "Conference Quarterfinal, Game 2"
ESPN2, Fri Apr 11 04:00pm HST
- "Conference Quarterfinal, Game 2"
ESPN2, Fri Apr 11 09:00pm HST
- "Conference Quarterfinal, Game 2"
ESPN2, Fri Apr 11 11:00pm HST
- "Conference Quarterfinal"
KITV, Sat Apr 12 09:00am HST
- "Conference Quarterfinal, Game 2"
ESPN2, Sat Apr 12 01:00pm HST
- "Conference Quarterfinal, Game 2"
ESPN2, Sat Apr 12 09:00pm HST
Soda sci
Drink diet coke like a water buffalo? How about setting up your own soda fountain in your home.
Freedom of speech, just watch what you say
Why is there freedom of speech only when it's something the government wants you to say?
While al Jazeera may not be the most unbiased news source, is FoxNews?
Beer science
When I buy a pint of Guinness there is no doubt the liquid is black. Yet the bubbles that settle on top, which are made of the same stuff, are white. The same is true of many types of beer. Why?
Why is it that people are always pondering the mysteries of Guinness? Hit up the full story here.
And also, the Guinness personality test.