Please email us if you find any dead links in this archive.
SATURDAY, 5/12/2001, 5:58pm HST by Penfold
I miss my Jellybean.
Hockey news
NJ took game one against Pitt today. Hedburg was saving up a storm, but Pitt got out played today. Check out the fully story here.
Col took out StL today in the early game today. Colorado was looking surprisingly good considering they were missing Forsburg. Sakic was picking up the slack. Check the story here.
Pot Luck, the movie
Coming soon from the bongs at High Times Magazine, their newest movie, Pot Luck.
FRIDAY, 5/11/2001, 7:58pm HST by Penfold The "Get the Picks in" Edition
Hawaiian food and a bud, such a perfect lunch.
Things are looking up
No kidding, there are a lot of things to see, especially when even Jim Owens gets a peek.
Star Trek: Enterprise
The latest news about the newest Star Trek show is starting to trickle out. Read about Star Trek: Enterprise here.
Pr0n content
The PSFBFH is lobbying hard and fast for their needs and desires. Read about the PSFBFH here.
FRIDAY, 5/11/2001, 1:45am HST by Raul
Smokey Yunick R.I.P.
Moving this up because I got ahold of a decent pic.
One of the most venerable names in stock car racing went to the giant oval in the sky.
Henry "Smokey" Yunick peeled out into the sunset Wednesday.
And despite what this page says, Wednesday was May 9, not May 6.
Some of us learned a lot about building horsepower from Smokey's writings.
BMW pimps Ang Lee
Well the short film Ang Lee did for is out. Chosen is a lot better than the
first film in this series IMHO, and it's even being promoted on network television (you'd know this if you watch ESPN for long
periods of time). Anyway, it's worth your five minutes or so.
It's odd that they'd make a commercial for a film only 10 times longer than your typical commercial spot.
A dangerous joint
Apparently, health officials are trying to pin a 1998 meningitis outbreak in Florida on a joint-passing
session among the infected and infectees. Hmmmmm .....
Submitted by Jui
Hacks aborted?
A self-styled alliance of Chinese computer hackers has called a halt to attacks on U.S. Web sites, after claiming to
have broken into more than 1,000 sites.
Hit up the full story here.
Suitb0x how-to
Here's a how-to on building your own LAN-computer-in-a-briefcase.
Be sure to take a look at the enlarged version of the first photo on the page and guess what color the author's neck is.
Angry, but high
A passenger on board a KLM flight from Amsterdam to Newark spat on a flight attendant, threatened passengers with a cane and
tried to open the emergency exit while in flight, an official said Thursday.
Maybe he was angry he was headed for New Jersey.
Hit up the full story here.
THURSDAY, 5/10/2001, 8:58pm HST by Penfold The "More Hockey" Edition
Only a few bits of content today, but it's the most important content of the day.
They win
Much to the dismay of one of our readers, Pitt manages to pull it off in OT, game 7, advancing to the Eastern Conference Finals.
The hero of the game, Pitt Defenseman Alexei Kovalev, managed to sneak one by Buff Goalie Dominik Hasek 13:01 into overtime.
Buff tried, but the hockey gods smiled upon Lemieux and his blessed team. See a review of the game here, here, here, and here.
Oh yeah, ESPN 9:00pm tonight.
This makes the final pairings, Col vs. StL and Pitt vs. NJ. Both sets of games look very promising.
Cup picks update.
Forsberg sans spleen
It just gets more and more interesting. Colorado Avalanche star Peter Forsberg is out for the rest of the season, having received an emergency splenectomy. Add much more challenge to picking the StL and Col games.
Read the story here.
Yes, I know it's cheese, but I mean for it to be cheese.
THURSDAY, 5/10/2001, 1:15pm HST by Raul
No lack of BIG news today ...
XFL, we hardly knew ya (yeah right)
The XFL is going, going, gone!
Like no one saw THAT coming ...
More Napster bad!
Man, I totally missed this. I must be slacking in my old age. The latest in the "Napster bad" series.
Put 'em on the glass!
Well, it really is a logical extension of sites like Catscan. Have a look at
Boobscan. Yes, it does have sections for both genders. As seen in
Hockey haps
Big news floating around:
WEDNESDAY, 5/9/2001, 9:58pm HST by Penfold
Got to pull the WallyWorld run tonight. Cup picks updated.
Subaru drivers, no survivors
"Break on through to the other side," --The Doors
See the whole set of shots here. Look familiar? *nudge* *nudge*
Runnin off.
Since I know better, my official position will be "no comment".
Ed. Note: This actually happens. -Raul
Oz Prison bitch name generator
Don't watch The Sopranos on HBO (shameless plug, so HBO better give us something, hehe), so I'm not sure what it is. But check it out anyways here.
Submitted by Mei-Li
TUCB report
I sampled Jack in the Box's newest creation, the Triple Ultimate Cheeseburger. My report is that it's so incredibly greasy, I couldn't even get near finishing it. Much too much grease for and normal person.
Want more info? Email me.
WEDNESDAY, 5/9/2001, 1:15pm HST by Raul
Still catching up ...
Well there are not one, not two, but THREE game sevens in the next two days.
No mother's day
Parents whose kids attend a pricey Manhattan private school are in an uproar over a new policy aimed at protecting the feelings of children raised by
same-sex couples: Mother's Day has been banned.
Hit up the full story here.
Sumo at Salon
Gotta hand it to Salon for taking on diverse subject matter. Today they have an article on the dynamics of
sumo in Japan.
Sexiest geek
Go cast your vote for the sexiest geek alive. Or nominate someone.
Sweet irony
LOS ALTOS, Calif. -- Rambus Inc. announced that it plans to immediately appeal today's verdict of fraud with regard to Rambus' participation in a standard-setting
group known as JEDEC. In addition, Rambus will file post-trial briefs with the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia to set aside today's verdict.
Fresh off having the patent-infringement claims thrown out that Rambus was holding collectively like a knife to the thorat of the industry,
now this. Heh.
Hit up the full story here.
TUESDAY, 5/8/2001, 8:58pm HST by Penfold
We all live in a yellow submarine.
More heatsink goo
No heatsink compound handy, no anti seize either? How about trying one of these alternatives.
Dumb DDoS
Someone launched a DDoS attack against Unfortunately, who every did it was too stupid to realize that they wanted
Read about it here. I wonder about
Looking for some extra breast but without the surgery, try this.
Hello Kitty
What exactly is this? Anyone care to buy one?
MONDAY, 5/7/2001, 7:58pm HST by Penfold
Hmmmmmm, I need a beer.
Big boy toy
For those with too much money on their hands, a BB gattling gun, just like in Predator.
Blaze of glory
If he wants to do this, fine, as long as he doesn't effect anyone else. Think of it as natural selection. downturn
In our continuing coverage of how the dot.bomb is effecting everyone else, hear how it's effecting the sex workers in SF here.
Worst pick-up lines
Doesn't get much worse than these.
- Is your dad a thief or something? Because someone stole the stars and put them into your eyes!
- I may not be Fred Flintstone but I can sure make your bed rock!
- Call the police!! It has to be illegal to look that fine!
- Is your father a terrorist? Because you're the bomb!
- You: Excuse me can I borrow a quarter, it is an emergency?
Other: Yea sure, what's wrong?
You: My mom told me to give her a call the first time I fell in love.
- If you were a Sprite, I'd obey my thirst!
- Do you believe in love at first site, or should I walk past you again?
- You: You look like my second wife!
Other: How many times have you been married?
You: Once!
- Damn, I'm glad I'm not blind!
And the worst of all,
- Is your father a baker? Because those sure are some nice buns!
See the full list here. Man, I look at some weird sites.
MONDAY, 5/7/2001, 1:10pm HST by Raul
Tef sends along a new mirror to the Tokyo Breakfast "Nigga" pilot
that we posted back in March. The original site we posted, Hypnotic, was threatened with litigation and had to pull the link.
It's back now, but you need to create an account over there to view it. I'll repost below, but for now pimp the link above until
such time as it gets pulled.
Hypnotic mirror again:
High bandwidth version, which does have the film, here.
Original location of low bandwidth version, which
now holds the litigation notice, here.
Now for the "added value" -- a free Ethnic Studies lesson! Is this clip racist? Does the fact it is done by Japanese people in what
is to them a foreign language mitigate it any? How would such a show go over in America (with the appropriate language
shift of course)? Discuss.
Guns for Kids
So here's a site that sticks a big middle finger in the face of a
society that misplaces blame for its shortcomings and its agents who take themselves too seriously. I'm all for that.
Yeah, you saw it right: a pope comic. Governments regulate
tobacco's marketing to kids, which basically amounts to people killing themselves. So will there be government regulation of
Catholicism's marketing to kids, which has amounted to people killing others?
A new battle in the copyright war
A publishing giant and an upstart electronic publisher are preparing for a court battle this week that could have as much influence on the future of online publishing as Napster has had on the music industry.
On Tuesday, Random House and RosettaBooks will make their first joint court appearance since the Bertelsmann-owned publisher sued RosettaBooks in February. The suit seeks to prevent the smaller publisher from
selling digital versions of Random House titles by authors William Styron, Kurt Vonnegut and Robert Parker.
E-books in the news.
Hit up the full story here.
A long name
This site is actually linked to from Gunsforkids, but has an interesting collection of information and projects.
Check out
MONDAY, 5/7/2001, 3:30am HST by Raul
Yeah, we semi-slacked and didn't put a post up this Sunday. We were too bummed out about the hockey playoffs (the whole weekend
was a bomb) and the content out there was pretty weak. Plus, I had to deal with a broken car to boot. Oh well, today's another day,
I'll post when I wake up.
News? Click the paper and send it to us!