THURSDAY, 5/9/2002, 1:00pm HST by Raul
GRAHAM@GRAYDOR.COM: You have Klez. Fix it.
This is a well-executed, if a bit morally bankrupt Flash game. Kaboom
is a suicide bombing game where the object is to take out as many men, women and children as possible.
Kind of a social commentary, I suppose, although if you take too long cops should come and shoot at you.
From Dr. Mikee.
UH wireless
Whaddya know, UH went wireless.
And here I was thinking it's just a backward little college in the middle of the pacific. Hmm,
I could connect from the press.
Noticed by Jui.
Ah yes, another fun, yet inane, Flash game. This one is called Milk the Cow and
uses a pretty neat 3D engine. From Jui.
Here's an odd piece of Shockwave art called Flashback. It's about
as weird as you'd expect with a name like that.
You know you've made it when someone tries to infringe upon your copyright. Apparently,
fake Arctic Silver thermal compound is on the market now. Funny.
Noticed by Jui.
MONDAY, 5/6/2002, 1:00pm HST by Raul
Real speed
Just the thing for an early midlife crisis: buy yourself a real Mach 5 ala Speed Racer ... it's built around a Corvette and
is guaranteed to get you the chicks. From Mafioso.
New game reviews posted
I finally got around to putting up some new game review submissions:
Pic of the day
Blame Gsohappy for this one: this lovely "poster" is called "Hooked on Hallmark" ... and may not be suitable for at-work viewing (unless you have a liberal
workplace). Suffice to say the above bear is about the cleanest one.
If drugs were legal ...
... maybe it would look something like this.
An interesting look at how the marketing machine might handle it.