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MONDAY, 5/19/2003, 10:Ish pm HST by Penfold


But she's towing an anchor. A junior investment banker.

It's that evil evil Coors Lite ad that I can't get out of my head about the wingman. You know the song, or maybe you've seen the commercial.

Mr. T v. Best Buy

Pity the fool that dares steal Mr. T's famous mug without his permission.

Such are the allegations pitted against electronics chain Best Buy, which is being sued by the erstwhile A-Team enforcer turned 1-800-Collect pitchman for misappropriating his image in a print ad, reports the Associated Press.

Hit up the full story here.

Sea forecasts

For those Hawaii boaters, here is an updated link to the Hawaii coastal weather and surf forecast.

Pot 1, Prohibition 0

WINDSOR, ONT. -- Canada's law on possession of small amounts of marijuana is no longer valid, an Ontario judge ruled Thursday.
Oh the enlightened Canucks. Hit up the full story here. went live on Sept 14, 2000. The Archives are updated every so often, with one new archive file being created for each week. Archives from 9/9/01 and earlier use the old site design.

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