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SATURDAY, 5/26/2001, 11:59pm HST by Raul

Welp it's day 2 here in Hilo. This town changes, but really slowly. At least it's most always friendly. This post coming to you from the Hawaii Naniloa Hotel.

A what?!

Longs express

What do you call a store that's like a Longs, but not quite? That's right, Longs Express!

A good CAUCE

Well this article has some interesting info on the war against spam, such as the URL for CAUCE, the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail and an E-mail address -- -- that you can forward your spam to in order to add the sender to a list of spammers maintained by the government.

Oh beach


Ads on the beach? Yup. But it would probably never fly here.

RIAA crap again

Aimster's attempt to seek judicial protection from the Recording Industry Ass. of America hasn't deterred the litigious music business organisation - yesterday it hit the software company with a Napster-style contributory copyright violation suit.
They had better sue phone and cable companies too, since the copyright data travels through data pathways flows over those networks. Yeah right. Hit up the full story here.

In related news, Dino says Aimster is actually pretty good and does not actually require the installation of anything to do with AOL on your machine. It's better than BearShare, which I have personally tried. BearShare is a good idea in theory, but in practice it's not really all that good.

When the lights are low

SAO PAULO, Brazil -- When Brazilians' after-dark activities are curbed by government energy restrictions, they may become more active in the bedroom, experts said on Thursday.
Hit up the full story here.

ATI lied

ATI has been hit with a class action alleging that the 3D graphics company misled shareholders by providing a false picture of its current financial statement and its potential earnings.
Looks like ATI isn't doing as well as it seems. Hit up the full story here.

THURSDAY, 5/24/2001, 1:30pm HST by Raul

Both us Webmasters are gonna be out of town this weekend. So the content could be sparse. I'll try to get something up at least, so be patient!

Running of to Cincinnati, hopefully I'll be able to find an internet cafe there. If you want stuff from there, email me. -Penfold



In the spirit of Dopewars: Redlite Distrikt. Pimp your hoes, gather your thugs, jack some Caddilacs and do some drivebys. All from the comfort of your computer chair.

AOL counterattack

Aimster is to appeal against the National Arbitration Forum's decision that it has to hand over its, and domains because they allegedly infringe on AOL's Instant Messenger trademark.
Yes, fight corporate tyranny all the way. Keep the 'Net free. Hit up the full story here.

Also: A nice Reg-esque piece on the Aimster fiasco.

Mellow yellow

Ever wonder where the whole "smoking banana peels" thing came from? Read this.

Them nasty Klingons

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Police are looking for a bank robber dubbed the "Klingon Bandit" who like the "Star Trek" TV characters has a high forehead and sports a distinctive hairpiece and a bandanna.
Hit up the full story here.

Cup picks page updated.

WEDNESDAY, 5/23/2001, 11:45pm HST by Raul
The "Fuck you Crushlink" post

For the benefit of those who missed my earlier post about Crushlink, I'll be a little more explicit. These fucknutses crawled our site and are now harassing our members with their crap. Do yourself (and the rest of us) a favor and delete this glorified chain letter if you get it. The header is "Someone has a crush on you". Just scream "FUCK YOU BITCHES!!!" and pump both middle fingers at the offending email, then delete it. Or delete it first, then scream it. Whatever you do, don't register for this piece of shit site.

And don't "block" it either. A word of advice on blocks for the unitiated: NEVER use email blocks on unsolicited emails. All they do is let the spammer know they have reached a live email account, and will likely end up getting you more spam.

WEDNESDAY, 5/23/2001, 11:58am HST by Penfold
The "Sneaking to the Hood" Edition

Finished my move back to Mililani today, was going to do it last month, but finally got around to it today.

Back home

Made the move back to Central Oahu today, back to the doggers and the a/c and Walmart runs in the middle of the night. no more mirrors, the place I usually point to for defacements of web pages has announced that they will no longer be mirroring web page defacements. Guess I have to look elsewhere for my defacement news. Check out the story here.

Internet racing

Think your RR is the shit? Got a DSL speed demon? Find out how fast your connection really is here.

Twiddle twiddle

Some thoughts from about self twiddling, with or without power tools.

Oh, and in the interest or fairness (or just to make fun of them), here is an opposing viewpoint.

WEDNESDAY, 5/23/2001, 12:20pm HST by Raul

DIY electromag


This is a really old product (as electronic paintball products go) but if you were thinking of making an electrogun out of your 'Mag (Seanie nudge nudge) it doesn't get any easier than this. There seem to be some potential problems, but if you watch out for these, it seems to be pretty straightforward.

Am I?

Am I stoned?

Yet another Am I? site ... this one would be amusing -- -- if more people actually looked STONED rather than drunk, coked up, mentally unstable, or fruity. And the "broken link" reporting script doesn't work. Good idea, bad execution. The guy above is one of the better ones.

Sorry, but the term "stoned" is no longer used as a catch-all for "intoxication."

Hockey on screen

Thought you saw some hockey reference in that movie you just saw? Well here's a relatively short but sweet list of Hockey Sightings. It does cover just about all that I know of, but I'd figure there are more out there.

Beef! Beef!

Roy cracks

Well this site could be a lot better than it is, but my guess is that it's not being worked on actively anymore. But (alternatively, does have a decent gallery of fight pics. And yes, that is who you think it is above, Colorado's famous #33.


"If you compare our ratings with the NHL, we were doing fine." declared World Wrestling Federation boss Linda McMahon as she scrambled away from the embarassing demise of the XFL.

Naturally that set chins to wagging in the hockey world. Is there an apt comparison between the XFL and the health of the hockey business?

NHL hockey is more extreme than XFL ever hoped to be. Hit up the full story here.

TUESDAY, 5/22/2001, 7:58pm HST by Penfold
The "Poor Pitt" Edition

Pitt bit the big one today, maybe it'll be better next year.

NJ takes Pitt

NJ takes the Eastern Conference finals, beating a somewhat inspired Pitt team 4-2. Looked like a decent game until the third period goal by John Madden to seal up the victory for NJ.

RX 5.0

rx7 5.0

Mix Ford power with Mazda engineering and what do you get? A pretty fast car. How about a Ford 5.0 in a RX7 or maybe even a 460.

Cricket glut

PHNOM PENH (Reuters) -- Market vendors sell the crickets -- hunted throughout the country -- either raw or fried to Cambodians who eat them like popcorn or nuts are consumed in the West.

"Just in one morning, I can collect one and a half to two tons of crickets in Kompong Thom province alone," one cricket vendor told the Rasmei Kampuchea (Light of Cambodia) newspaper.

And yes, I did see them selling cooked crickets in Bangkok. Hit up the full story here.

Condom blaster

catch the sperm

While not quite as ground breaking as Tribes2, Catch the sperm is an interesting and quite free game. You and your condom gun basically have to shoot and capture passing sperms and HIV viruses. Check out a review here. Download it here. Produced by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health.

TUESDAY, 5/22/2001, 12:00pm HST by Raul

Oblique golf


What's the deal with those weird lookin' golf balls? Well, they are used for Golfcross, a game supposedly like golf but with a different ball that allows a higher level of control. You decide how legit it is. There's an Iwon bit here.

JT Protea?


What's this? Yet another new paintball mask on the market? It's the JT Proteus, and is the latest Spectra line mask, although it is completely redesigned. It hugs closer to the face, has improved ear and mouth venting, a rear-attached strap (not goggle-attached) and a built-in fan. At a MSRP of $150, it's not cheap but when you figure the fan is $50 of that, it's not all THAT much more expensive than a top-line Spectra. Warpig has a writeup here.

Hockey beef

Goalie beef

There are beefs, and then there are BEEFS. When the goalies get into it, it's trouble. WARNING: This page has pr0n ads, so don't fiddle with it too much at work.

Bush weed

On a travel junket to Zimbabwe a few years ago I was the only Irish journalist in a party of eight English female journalists. Things were fine until, oh, about the time we took off and I spent the next 11 days sulking and cursing my luck that they don't sell batteries for compact disc players in the bush. By the time we got to Victoria Falls I was moody, petulant and in desperate need of a joint.
Here's a real entertaining read about one man's foray into gonzo journalism. Hit up the full story here.

Whoever sent out that Crushlink shit, please refrain from wasting bandwidth like that in the future.

MONDAY, 5/21/2001, 8:58pm HST by Penfold
The "Bitch Ass RR" Edition

God damm RR bitch assess, can't keep their shit straight. See their incompetence here. Man, I want my Lava back.

Col playing for the cup

sakic shot

Colorado has succeeded in knocking off the favored Blues to earn a sport in this year's Stanley Cup game. Went 24 seconds into OT, with Sakic scoring the winning goal on the power play. Now we wait to see the winner of the Pitt - NJ game. Well at least I should have at least one right.

Turbine bike

turbine bike

Mix a Rolls Royce Allison gas turbine engine running on diesel fuel and a sport bike and what do you get? Something thats much too fast for mere mortals. Oggle the bike here.

Deity battle


From the people at the Temple ov thee Lemur (not to be confused with our own Lemur) comes the Gods battle. Vote for who's god is the most hard core of them all here.

Lock 'em up

chasity belt

A way to keep your partner faithful or just a really kinky sex toy, you decide. Read about the return of the chastity belt here.

Insert tab A into slot B

In a fiasco that will no doubt obsess nervous young lovers, a Malaysian couple got stuck while having sex last week and had to be rushed to the hospital midcoitus. According to the Straits Times the woman, who is 50, grew "abnormally excited" as a result of a Viagra-like aphrodisiac. The man, 60, found himself unable to disengage, and the two panicked and shouted for help.
Hmmmmm, very very, ummmmmm, intresting. Hit up the full story here. Reminds me on The Elven Bride, which BTW, which I should have a copy of very soon.

MONDAY, 5/21/2001, 1:00pm HST by Raul

Little crustaceans


Oh yeah, better watch out for Krill Be Ballaz, in the style of Icy Hot Stuntaz, whose page is suspiciously missing. I did find Icy Hot Stuntaz songs on Napster but no such thing for Krill Be Ballaz. Hey, isn't krill little shrimps and crustaceans that whales and other sea creatures eat?

Yes, krill are little shrimp that blue whales eat by the ton. -Penfold


The "AIM" in Aimster violates America Online’s trademark and the company must relinquish several Internet domain names with that name in it to AOL, the National Arbitration Forum has decided.
Yet Another Gross Abuse of Power. Hit up the full story here. The Reg bit has a more complete story, including why AOL went to NAF and not WIPO for this decision. In related news, The Register is gonna trademark "ster" (hehe).

Pic of the day

ATV wires

From CJ.

Lesbian rules

The election of a lesbian as Ferndale High's prom king has prompted consternation among adults in this small community and a change in school policy -- future prom kings must be boys and queens girls.
Hit up the full story here.



What's this? A competitor to Brass Eagle Viewloader loaders? You betcha, and from a VL employee that left when the evil BE empire took over. It's the Halo and is supposedly capable of feed rates up to 30 bps. Sigh, and I had this idea about feed wheels even before the eVLution came out.

Ingenious anti-theft program

Mobile phone thieves in London may soon be under text message bombardment from the police.

In a scheme similar to one currently being tested in Amsterdam, the Met is considering sending SMS messages round the clock to stolen handsets in the hope of rendering the phones useless.

Now that's really a good idea. So simple. And probably quite effective. Hit up the full story here.

Pr0n party flat

Here's a really amusing story about Hot D'Or, the pr0n industry Cannes Film Festival, and the so-called best party in town. From your friends at Salon.

SUNDAY, 5/20/2001, 7:58pm HST by Penfold
The "My Turn" Edition

Guess it's my day to do today's weekend content.

Win Ben Stein's Money

ben stein

If you think you're smart enough, fast enough, then you too, as improbable as it may be, may Win Ben Stein's Money.

Mechanical hit counter

how many hits?

In the same vein as the Internet 8 Ball, comes the mechanical hit counter. Not satisfied to run a little applet to count hits, this person used a mechanical counter and a web cam to publish the hits. Check it out here. If the House of Cats and Green Carpet had a hit counter, bet it would be maxed out in no time.

Pour it on

aloha shoyu

Pour it on like there's no tommorow. Nothing says Hawaii like spam, eggs, and rice with ketchup and Aloha Shoyu.

Bad bad polygamists

Seems that Tom Green, famous polygamist, was found guilty on Friday of polygamy and withholding child support. Why is it so bad for one guy to have many wives? Because they're taking away eligible women from the single men of the world, and we can't be having that. We have a hard enough time as it is. Read the whole story here.
Now one woman with many husbands is fine.

Shrek and CG

The movie Shrek came out on Friday. This movie is entirely computer generated but with a cast of famous voices. Sounds like a good movie to see this week. Check out a review of the movie here.

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