THURSDAY, 6/5/2003, 3:00am HST by Raul

This is pretty cool and best of all it's free. Epicurious hosts cooking how-to videos
that should help get the cullinary confidence level up.
Blast from the past
I developed some film from a disposa-cam the other day and to my surprise found images from 2001 on it! You've seen the Palmpix versions, here are the
film shots from that day! Piece of crap camera though, so they aren't much better: Releasing a nice omilu (blue jack).
A blue-spotted roi (peacock grouper).

A very simple game, but addicting. Fly your chopper as far as you can go. Mindlessly fun.
O'reilly factored out
Now this is top-flight humor for liberals and progressives in the audience. Watch Bill O'reilly make a complete ass of himself when faced
with similar odds to what liberals on Fox News Channel talk shows usually face. Click the C-Span transcript
here. For the impatient, the fun really
starts around 41 minutes, but you really should watch the whole thing.
I just love how O'reilly goes on and on about not calling people names, then the first thing he does after
Al Franken speaks is to call him an idiot. If that's not a microcosm of O'reilly's whole career, I don't know what is!
Speaking of liberals and progressives, here's a .pps containing an analysis of the financial gains
of Gulf War I. Think Gulf War II was any different?

Here's a somewhat obnoxious game called Pearls Before Swine,
which is bound to piss you off at least a few times before you win.
Speaking of obnoxious games, here's another incarnation of rock, paper, scissors (jan ken po).
War profiteers

You've surely seen the US military deck of cards portraying the 55 most wanted Iraqi regime members. Maybe you've seen (or worse, been spammed)
the "America's worst" deck of anti-war voices. Now check out the truly important deck, the war profiteers deck.
It's a little embarrassing that the message needs to be dumbed down this much, but if it works ...
Speaking of the war, perhaps you've seen this blog: Dear Raed, a first hand account of life in Baghdad before, during
and after Gulf War II. Many people doubted it was real, particularly rightists, who decried "Salam Pax"'s anti-American stances
(after all how can someone be against both Saddam and America, eh? *sarcasm*). They have now been proven wrong. Salam, apparently,
is real.
MONDAY, 6/2/2003, 9:Ish pm HST by Penfold
Beef on a stick

Came back from Vancouver last week. While there, I was introduced to the Churrascaria style of restaurant. Basically beef (and other meats) on a stick buffet. Check it out here.
If there are any restaurateur out there reading the page, there's no reason why this wouldn't work in Hawaii.
Bastardizations return

The bastardizations return, but this time with the Transformers instead of the Matrix.
Flash elements
The Elements song with some flash animation.
Sin content
Free pr0n for our troops.
The chocolate easter egg surprise (why can't I find this kind of pot-filled chocolates).
Amsterdam anti-tobacco smoking law bans bubbling bongs.