Please email us if you find any dead links in this archive.
SATURDAY, 7/14/2001, 10:58pm HST by Penfold
For those looking for that PETA cat pr0n video, here's one that actually works decently.
Final Fantasy review
Had some time to see this movie today. The CG is pretty damm good; there's lots of times where you could swear they're a real person on the screen. The only thing not quite right
was the reflection of light off skin. It has a very anime kind of story. I'd recommend seeing it.
Oh yes, she also has a fine CG booty.
Iron Chef dub
Anyone watch Iron Chef today? If you did, notice anything different (this is a rhetorical question because if you saw it, you know what I'm talking about)?
Seems that they've taken to dubbing Kaga, and the fans are up in arms over it at the FoodTV Iron Chef forum. Complain about this blasphemy here.
FRIDAY, 7/13/2001, 11:58pm HST by Penfold
Finally getting a hang of hitting that driver.
Mini golf
Check out this mini-golf game. By far one of the best flash games that I've seen. Also for the easily amused, ultimate dodge ball.
Be Terminator X
Public Enemy has announced a new contest to be a producer on their next album. How? Simple, take the vocal track to Public Enemy No. 1 and do the beats and samples. Read about it here.
Napster settles with M and D
Napster, or what ever is left of it, has settled the suits filed by Dr. Dre and Metallica. And the world gives a resounding, so what.
Or as someone commented on slashdot, It's pretty easy to settle when you're completely shut down anyway.
Washington -- In the second White House health scare in little more than a week, doctors Wednesday night implanted a sophisticated pacemaker in President Bush's brain. When Mr. Bush's brain activity becomes dangerously slow for a chief executive, the device delivers a mild electric shock, jolting the president back to a relatively active mental state.
How do you know that this is a hoax? Because no battery in the would has enough reserve power to handle the W. Hit up the full story here.
FRIDAY, 7/13/2001, 12:00pm HST by Raul
Instant digital

It was a revolutionary idea on paper -- take an existing SLR, with its extreme levels of control, and add a drop-in CCD and storage unit.
But in practice eFilm is for the most part far inferior to a true digital imaging solution. But it is interesting that
someone actually got it done. Check it out here.
I.P. freely
And you can too, even if you're a woman. So says this site on
"how to pee standing" for women. For mechanical assistance, see the Whizzy
and the Shenis. Thanks to MilkandCookies for those.
MS mouse

Well we can fault Sony for insisting on a proprietary solid-state memory solution, but we can't fault them for lack of
innovation! Enter the memory stick reader mouse.
Fuling yu
MADRID (Reuters) - Doctors in southern Spain were so sure they had an abandoned fetus on their hands that they preserved
it and immediately alerted police.
But when they started an autopsy two days later, they realized they were operating on a silicone doll, police said on
Hit up the full story here.
Got rice?
THURSDAY, 7/12/2001, 11:58pm HST by Penfold
This post is going up pretty late, but it still is before midnight.
Movie boycott
Seem that this Friday, there is a boycott going of of movies to protest the high costs of tickets.
I guess all you people planning to go to the movies tommorow night could do ummmm..... something else I guess.
Do not rock the machine
Ever notice on soda vending machines, there's stickers now that say don't rock the machine, will not dispense free soda. This is why.
As if
NAIROBI, Kenya -- President Daniel arap Moi has urged Kenyans to abstain from sex for at least two years to try to curb the spread of AIDS, newspapers reported on Thursday.
As if any country could pull that off. Hit up the full story here.
THURSDAY, 7/12/2001, 12:30pm HST by Raul

I finally understand what the hell that stupid term means. Anyway, I've heard of dental prostheses before but
these are just overboard. Bridgeport International specializes in the tackiest,
yet most expensive sets of fake gold teeth in the world! And man, do they deliver. It's downright incredible, the
amount of workmanship put into these pieces of hardware. Diamonds if you want em, or a faux "diamond cut." Choose a style you
like. Impress your friends. Get jacked for your gold teeth. Oops.
Here's another similar site, although I can't decide if it's fake or not.
NHL news
Missing member
Boy Scouts from the Rauma Innfjorden troop found their mascot, a wooden rocking stallion named Baldor,
was missing his yard-long member shortly after a jamboree in Fredrikstad opened.
Hit up the full story here.
Gigolo Joe redux
Leave it up to Salon to take up the social implications of the Gigolo Joe character
in A.I. For those that didn't see it, Joe is, literally, a love machine -- a "lover model" robot designed for
the sole purpose of ... well, you get the picture. Submitted by Jui.
Iwon nuggets
WEDNESDAY, 7/11/2001, 9:58pm HST by Penfold
Ooooh, there's ROMs for Tournament Cyberball.
Big hockey news

Jagr finally gets traded and ends up going to Washington. Check it out here. Because of the trade and what Pitt got for him, all kinds of rumors
are floating around like is the "future consideration" just cash payments and will Pitt sign Brett Hull?
Also in the hockey world, Tampa Bay resign Weeks, giving them both Weeks and Khabibulin and arguable the best lineup of goalies in the league.
More male stuff
While rummaging around the net while at work, I came upon this site, kinda hard to describe, it's sort of like watching The Man Show.
This site hosts some interesting use of QT video in Are Those Real and flash animation at Where are the toons now.
The unkindest return of all
TORONTO (CP) -- "A simple mention of this secret word with the ring's receipt will get them a refund at the jewelry department with a minimum of delay," said a store release.
The release said the policy guarantees that "partners given the 'heave-ho' can have their money back quickly and discretely."
For that time when you want to just run far far away. But in all honesty, if you bought your engagement ring from Wal-Mart... Read about this idea here.
Pr0n crackdown
Seems that the LAPD is starting to crackdown on what could be described as extreme pr0n. I've never seen any of the videos in question, so
it's hard for me to comment on if it would offend the community standard or not.
Also, more free pr0n resources for you wannabe pr0n mongers here, here, here, and here. Not $140 for a class on it.
WEDNESDAY, 7/11/2001, 12:30pm HST by Raul
MAME me!

Some of you may have heard of MAME, others, maybe not. MAME is an acronym for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, and is
essentially a way to play old arcade games, which were built on specific hardware, on modern PCs or other more common hardware.
Check MAMEWorld for more info. But remember -- you must actually
OWN the game ROMs to download them OKAY?! Submitted by Lankus.
Quake 4 on the horizon?
You know you have a true phenomenon when your game spawns its own convention.
Rumor has it that Quake 4 is going to be announced at this year's Quakecon ...
Newscientist's take on the green

Newscientist considers marijuana a "hot topic." I do too, sometimes literally (-rimshot-)! Anwyay, go ahead and
check out their collection of articles.
"Survival" prosecutable?
A leading animal rights group wants to see unedited television footage of the slaying of a wild pig on the hit reality
show "Survivor" to decide whether the killing constituted a crime.
The Australian branch of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) said Tuesday it is seeking
access to footage of the killing, which angered people when an edited version aired around the world earlier this year.
I tend to think that if anyone should be held responsible, it should be the studio for placing these people
in an artificially "life-threatening" situation that encouraged this kind of behavior.
Hit up the full story here.
TUESDAY, 7/10/2001, 9:58pm HST by Penfold
How the hell did I get conned into doing work in Fed court.
Fun with chemistry

For those of you who just suffered through chemistry this summer, a little chemical humor. The first molecule is called clitorin and the second dickite. Check out the whole list here.
This moose, not loose
Pitt made a qualifying offer to Johan Hedberg today to keep him on the team. After proving himself in the playoffs (considering how poor Pitt's D was), I hope they're paying him well. Check out the story here.
Cat killers
But it seems the purring pussycats lead Mr. Hyde existences when they're skulking around the neighborhood. Conservancy ornithologists say the popular pets are the second leading cause of death for endangered birds — responsible for 5 million feathered victims a day and 1.8 billion a year.
I've got a .22LR solution to this problem. Hit up the full story here.
Pot virus
The Register is reporting a pot computer virus going around. And just like the real thing, it's basically harmless. Take a hit of it here.
More pot for your pleasure
BRITISH COLUMBIA -- Police in British Columbia say that marijuana is now a larger industry than logging in their province. Annual production is pegged at $6 billion
I recall in Pidgin to the Max, a similar statement made about the Hawaii pot crop back in the 80s. Hit up the full story here.
Universal karmatic principal
Hawaii's very own slum lord, Edgar Lum, died at the hand of one of his tenants that he tried to screw over. All of which only goes to reenforce my belief in the universal karmatic principal. Bet people at Legal Aid Society are partying now.
TUESDAY, 7/10/2001, 11:30am HST by Raul

Hey look, it's Big Jim's Roachclip of the Month! Someone
tell this guy that them crafty Hay-waiians have been using the ultimate roachclip since time immemorial -- the crutch!
So I've been told ....
Dee's nuts
Will someone, for the love of God, please tell me what THIS is about?!?!
CA posts a song
Well our friends over at Caucasian Invasion have gotten themselves a real domain and even posted up a
song. It's called "Suburban Assassian (sic)".
Check it out and form your own conclusions.
MSN still fux0red
Microsoft Corp.'s MSN Messenger was still experiencing outages Monday, seven days after the company acknowledged a technical glitch that left
about a third of its users disconnected or without access to their online personal address books.
Man, Microsoft sucks donkey. When AOL is better, you've got real problems.
Hit up the full story here.
Penfold reports his MSN came back for one day then went on the blink again.
Iwon raid
Yes, I'm reduced to an Iwon raid today.
MONDAY, 7/9/2001, 10:58pm HST by Penfold
Content, content, bring out your content.
Debunking over 400 occult, paranormal, supernatural and pseudoscientific ideas and practices using good science.
Backstreet booze
Seems like one of them ended up checking into rehab for alcohol problems. I guess the life of a boy band member is harder than it looks. Yeah, whatever. Check it out here.
Cat scratch
Spied this while watching The Daily Show on Comedy Central. Brought to you by PETA, what else, animatronic cat pr0n. Hopefully they'll fix their server soon, it's pretty funny stuff.
Right to the point
In the tradition of, comes a site that asks the one really important question, bangable?
Instructional content
What takes Howstuffworks about 10 pages to describe, Dante Hicks summarized it all by saying, "insert somewhere close, preferably warm, thrust, repeat".
MONDAY, 7/9/2001,12:30pm HST by Raul
Blood Opera

Just in time to beat out 's release date
Here's a total conversion for Half-Life called Opera, which turns the game into a "Hong Kong-style Blood Opera" like
a John Woo movie. I'm sorry, but this site is REALLY poorly designed so it might be a trick to navigate it. Click the super-tiny FAQ
link on the left side of the mainpage for info, and check out
the operations manual for more.
Minolta DiMAGE 7 reviewed

Well Minolta's DiMAGE 7 has hit the streets, a direct competitor to Olympus' E-10: an
SLR-like "prosumer" digital camera in the $1,500 range. The D7 sports a late-generation 5.2 megapixel Sony CCD, a 28-200mm
focal range equivalency and some other features the E-10 hasn't got. However it loses out in a lot more categories than it
wins in (most notably build quality), IMHO leaving the E-10 still the champion of semi-pro digicams. Check the (as usual) extremely detailed review at DPR
Beam me up, Scotty
Here's a quick little piece on how teleportation works. Yes, the
technogeeks have already done it.
Pentax announces Elph-killer?

Maybe. It's the Optio 330, 7.2 oz. (less battery), 3.3 megapixel, 3x zoom supercompact
digicam. It certainly has the specs to knock off the current reigning superpin camera (and really the only one around),
the Canon Powershot S100 Elph,
except in one area -- price! At $800, these little things don't come cheap.
Of course, the proof is in the pictures, and fortunately, this Japanese online journalist
has some.
No dingding (a.k.a. Bite Me)
Two Papua New Guinea fishermen have bled to death after piranha-like river fish bit off their penises.
The fish, which zero in on urine, have struck terror among villagers along the Sepik River, in north-western PNG.
Hit up the full story here.
SUNDAY, 7/8/2001, 3:15pm HST by Raul
Pic of the day

Surfing is fun.
Adverse conditions

Need to take your camera into some adverse conditions? If it's just really humid, maybe
one of these
thrown into this storage box is enough.
But if you're going underwater, you'll have to get a little more hardcore.
For light-duty use (snorkeling at the max), EWA marine has glorified Ziploc bags for
a relatively low prices. But if you're going to get a little more hardcore, check out
Ikelite's systems,
with custom models for various digital camera applications. Be warned though, that one of these housings can easily
cost more than less expensive cameras.
Saw A.I. last night, and it was actually quite good.
Although Spielberg lets his own filmmaking style cheapen some parts, his "ode-to-Kubrick" style in other areas was astute,
appropriate and effective. A couple of the principals -- Haley Joel Osment and Jude Law -- turned in stellar performances as well.
It's a film that is both micro- and macro-cosmic, if you get my meaning, but unlike other recent films that have tried the approach
(I'm thinking of Titanic), A.I. manages to not turn annoying or overly repetitive throughout. I had some issues with the musical score
though, at times finding it a little too sappy and melodramatic. In all, when the Kubrick style is turned up, this film shines.
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