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FRIDAY, 7/19/2002, 1:Ish pm HST by Penfold

Deep. How deep? Deeper than Atlantis.

Brown book

Alton Brown, know to some as Puff Pastry Man, has just released a new book. Read a review of it here.

Grease gas

Got a diesel car? Want to run on cooking oil, find out how here (I hear that the exhaust smells like french fries when you use old fast food grease).


Need you very own South American pachyderm (llama/alpaca)? Bid on one here.

Big rubber

Seeking a way to impress the populace with the threat of AIDS, activists in December 1998 paraded an enormous condom through the streets of Bogota, Colombia as part of an annual holiday street fair. The phenomenal prophylactic—12 feet in diameter, stretching over a half-mile in length and weighing roughly 3,000 lbs. (+800m, 1360kg)—took two months to build and cost $13,000. As it was paraded though the main boulevards, a troupe of dancers performed along side, accompanied by a convoy of armed policemen, for, um, protection.
This, along with other records and feats of sexual nature can be found here.

No, its not the site linked to here.

MONDAY, 7/15/2002, 10:Ish pm HST by Penfold

Hockey withdrawals.

Buddha vs. SpongeBob

Extremely silly but still amusing. Spongebob Square Pants vs. Buddha.

Rate my...

I guess it was only a matter of time, but there is now a Rate My Implants.

Tetris madness

Go here to see a brief history of the game Tetris. Dammit, can't get that music out of my head now.

Also in assorted content, Spiderman will make you gay (click it dammit, it's pretty funny). went live on Sept 14, 2000. The Archives are updated every Wednesday and Sunday (theoretically), with one new archive file being created for each week. Archives from 9/9/01 and earlier use the old site design.

Please note that due to the dynamic nature of the sites we link to, many links may deteriorate or outright break over time. If there is one you are particularly interested in that you can't find, contact us.

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