Please email us if you find any dead links in this archive.
SATURDAY, 9/1/2001, 12:58pm HST by Penfold
Party party party tonight.
You know things are bad when...
MOSCOW, Aug 31 -- Russia warned its computer experts on Friday of the dangers of visiting the United States after a Russian software designer was arrested there for violating a controversial new law.
Other countries begin to post travel advisors about coming to the US. Hit up the full story here.
Primeaux redux
Wayne Primeau has been resigned by Pitt. As Lemieux's designated bouncer, hopefully they'll do a little better this year.
Rescue 911
A German had to call police and firefighters after losing the key to handcuffs he used to chain his wife to a hotel bed.
So the moral of the story is make sure you have a spare key. Hit up the full story here.
Also in rescue news, Couple on a sexual high end up with huge rescue bill.
FRIDAY, 8/31/2001, 4:55am HST by Raul
First there was furniture pr0n, then stick pr0n, then pixel pr0n... now there's, that's right ...
brush pr0n.
You ain't got no alibi
Submitted by smge1lc: The ugly truth -- beautiful people without
the benefit of makeup or Photoshop.
Khai, again (reKhai)
Well, Khai has been quite industrious and this site is in full swing now, with additional
audio and some assorted Khai humor. The fan art is a must-see!
More content regurgitation
More of that not-quite-as-cool content.
THURSDAY, 8/30/2001, 11:58pm HST by Penfold
MOP AND GLOW - Floor wax used by Three-Mile-Island cleanup team.
Turd polish
Some what painful, but this guy did a lot of nice machining to pull this off. Check out the spydercocker here.
More 80s pain
Boy George is back. No content with being a has been 80s star, now they're basing a musical on his life.
Pot machine
Mr Brusatore, who included information on the system at, said: "You just plug it into the wall and it'll grow one to two pounds of marijuana every six to eight weeks with no pesticides."
Hit up the full story here.
THURSDAY, 8/30/2001, 12:00pm HST by Raul
Race! Tantarus!
I finally located this, the original GTi animation sent to me by Lankus. Love the sound effects.
Lukewarm stuff
Cleaning out my content list. Here's an amalgamation of not-all-that-spectacular content that didn't make a regular
posting. Maybe together they can amount to one:
- Fine Grind Films: From Tef, supposedly some local transplants (MidPac grads, you'll
have to forgive them) are working with this company, making films.
- Save a Tree, Eat a Beaver: Crude humor, but some diamonds in the rough.
- PocketPyro: Multimedia "sled" add-on for Palm. But it will never be truly cool until it supports some type
of removable media.
- Hessian Love: Details of a practical joke targeting the shallow end
of the gene pool. Too bad it has no appreciable effect on society, despite its "cleverness."
- 60MM fan coparison: For those of who that love loud CPU fans, here's a comparison. Methinks it
may even be a little outdated now.
- How to spot Microsoft piracy: Helpful hints from the evil empire itself. How to
turn in your brother and your mother.
Party this Saturday, check the member's page for info.
WEDNESDAY, 8/29/2001, 11:58pm HST by Penfold
Seven hours of sleep a night is no good.
Potter pr0n
You thought the Grove was bad, now it's Harry Potter pr0n.
Jump already
With all the UH students have made traffic a living hell, at least we don't have this. Imagine how long it would take if this happened here.
A brief history of LEGO
Read about Lego's struggles to stay alive in the age of gameboys and other electro gizmos here.
WEDNESDAY, 8/29/2001, 2:30am HST by Raul
It's a simple site, simply about a man and his rabbit (and evidently, his cameras).
An especially talented rabbit. Be sure to check out the message for foreign visitors.
Blame Tef for this one.
Also: Tef sends a good alternative to Babelfish for Japanese > English translations.
The page in in Japanese, put the URL in the box, select the right hand X -> X (translation) button, and press the orange button. It seems
to be a good bit more culturally knowledgable than Babelfish.
Hockey fix
The symptoms: lethargy, aimless daydreaming, inability to concentrate on any one subject for long. It's hockey withdrawal.
And it's hitting pretty hard right about now. But has got our backs: really long video segments of
some of the thrillers in this year's Stanley Cup playoffs. Get your fix here.
I forget where I saw this, but here's an illustrated (but clean) guide to sex positions.
Plus some jokes and other assorted entertainment.
Say it ain't so!
He may be riding high as the star of the new movie "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back," but Jason Mewes faces a court hearing on a charge that he violated his
probation, terms of which were set last year by a New Jersey judge who sentenced the 26-year-old actor for a felony heroin possession conviction, The Smoking
Gun has learned.
Why does this remind me of the plight of the "dank or schwag" dude?
Hit up the full story here. Someone
remind me to update this link when I archive.
I'll be changing my PODs pretty regularly for the next few days, so be sure to check 'em out.
TUESDAY, 8/28/2001, 11:58pm HST by Penfold
Actually doing work, what a concept.
Free phone
While a free phone isn't that unusual now days, a free Visor Phone is. Handspring is now giving away free visor phones with the purchase of a new Visor and activation.
Check it out here.
True frequent flyer
This guy did a round the world trip in under 3 days on commercial carriers. And I thought that flying to the east coast was a long trip.
All nutless
Officers arrived at the Glenana Rd. home around 3:30 a.m. and ''found the man in a lot of pain,'' Malik said.
In a lot of pain is an under statement. Hit up the full story here.
TUESDAY, 8/28/2001, 12:45pm HST by Raul
All look same?
What an absolute GEM of a site. administers an "Asian Aptitude Test" (Scantron-style, no less) --
you guess what ethnicity a person is by their appearance. GSPOT, are you listening? Anyway, I got 6 correct. I'm OK.
I.E. 6 out, but hobbled by user-friendliness
The latest version of Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer browser, made available for free download Monday, is drawing
protests because it doesn't support two rival products commonly used on Web sites.
Internet Explorer 6.0 will not automatically support the embattled Java programming language or Netscape-style "plug-ins,"
though users and developers will have tools to make the browser compatible with those products.
Or more likely, a Microsoft hatch.
Hit up the full story here.
Just download the evil thing already here.
Barrels full of fun
I was going to post something about the new DYE Ultralite barrel, which is an all-alluminum
Boomstick-type 2-piece. But why don't I just refer you to this page, with reviews on just about every kind of
barrel imaginable.
Ju's diagram
For those of you who might be interested in just how the E-10 TCON-314b supercombo breaks down, have a look at
Ju's cool diagram.
2GHz P4
Well the new Pentium 4 is out, with a starting clock speed of 2GHz and some cool features like self-throttling under high temperature conditions (such
as heatsink mis-mounting or fan failure). The reviews are everywhere. One here,
one there. Heck, go to ANY hardware site and I guarantee you'll find
2GHz P4 stuff. Right now, it's still being given hard rubs in several ways by the 1.4GHz T-birds, but as soon as clock speeds ramp up, that will all be over.
Of course AMD wouldn't take it lying down, would they?
MONDAY, 8/27/2001, 10:58pm HST by Penfold
My motions are always right, dammit.
Fapping for cash
Yes, you men can make money doing what comes naturally. Read about being a sperm donor here.
For the whole line up of so you wanna...., click here.
College pr0n
No, I'm not talking about this. But for those out there who started school today,
it seems that colleges are increasingly teaching classes about pr0n. I bet someone here could teach that class. Man, UH never gets these cool classes.
MONDAY, 8/27/2001, 12:45pm HST by Raul
E-10 FAQ updated.
Berry schnell!
I found this as a link from another similar page sent to me by Lankus, which I am still trying to figure out the best way to post. So more is to come. For now,
check out Type R your Jetta, which lets you live out your wildest fantasies on
one of today's hottest cars (rimshot). Be sure to watch the horsepower number as you push the buttons.
BE hax0red
A false financial statement issued by a hacker who broke into the corporate systems of a paintball firm resulted in the suspension of its shares for two hours last night.
"Hundreds, if not thousands" of emails containing phoney financial information about Brass Eagle were then sent out, Reuter reports. It seems the attacker broke into the
firm's Web site and obtained its email mailing list and subsequently targeted these people with faked messages.
Man, the paintball industry has come full-circle. Not only is there a big-brother-eqsue corporate juggernaut bringing
the sport to the masses, there is enough consternation about it for someone to bother hacking their system and
trying to financially mess with them. Outstanding.
Hit up the full story here.
Diablo/AirTech Matrix
Another electro gun? Yep, just the latest. It's AirTech's Matrix, distributed
by Diablo. Be sure to watch the video on the page for the tweaky trigger finger action. Looks like a well-designed, innovative paintgun --
and it DOES run on CO2. Very quiet, too. Hmm, could this be my next gun? Time will tell.
Check out Warpig's full review here.
Adler at it again
HILO -- Jonathan Adler, 49, former Big Island mayoral candidate, would-be 2002 gubernatorial candidate and marijuana
advocate, admits he grew and possessed 89 marijuana plants in 1998.
Adler's trial for commercial promotion of marijuana began yesterday with Deputy Prosecutor Kevin Hashizaki telling a
jury that Adler grew the plants for money.
Adler's attorney, Michael Glenn, told the jury that Adler grew the plants for use in his religion. Adler is protected by the
religious freedom clause of the U.S. Constitution, Glenn said.
I give him credit for sticking to his guns, he may yet force this issue.
Hit up the full story here.
Ever wonder why you never heard about some Midwestern mother of three swamped in debt that miraculously wins
the McDonald's Monopoly grand prize, solving all her problems? Or why you never really hear about any big
McDonald's game winners at all?
Well now you know.
Short attention clip
A little dated, but a fun view nonetheless.
Watch Steve Ballmer make an idiot out of himself.
SUNDAY, 8/26/2001, 9:58pm HST by Penfold The "Two foot drive" Edition
What do people mean when they say the computer went down on them?
Fred's head
Between Makapu'u and Sandy Beach is a stretch of coastline called Alan Davis (aka Ka Iwi Coastline). Wander inside and you can find a beach right under here. Some pics of the beach here and here.
Need directions? Here's a map, but basically start here and head for here.
Why it's called Fred Flintstone's Head is beyond me.
News? Click the paper and send it to us!