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WEDNESDAY, 9/4/2002, 2:00pm HST by Raul

Napster RIP

Napster WH

That's all folks, Napster is no more. Hit up the story here. Be sure to check out the staffer art on the Napster site.

Although this is probably the only way Napster could have gone at this point, as its core technologies were handcuffed by recent court decisions, this bothers me greatly. It is hugely distasteful to me that what amounts to a venue for fair use was litigated out of existence. This guarantees that I will forever use Kazaalite or some other filesharing service.

The other day, I briefly considered buying some CDs that were discounted so heavily it was hard to pass up the deal. But the memory of the RIAA screwing us music fans over made me not do it. I have not bought a CD since Napster was sued offline. I will never again buy a new, mass-distributed CD.


Fed up with the same two parties always winning the governor's office? Vote George Peabody for Hawaii governor. Guns.

Yee haaa

Here's an amusing one from Gsohappy: The Hazzard County Driver's Test.

When thinking of attacking Iraq you should ...

MONDAY, 9/2/2002, 9:Ish am HST by Penfold

I need another trip already.

Hanging around

Really bored? Got nothing to do at the cubicle today? How about hanging around.

RIAA hacked

RIAA against music sharing? Not anymore!

RIAA to sue music sharers? Not Anymore

With the legal file sharing service kazaa still online, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) today announced that it intends to offer the latest albums for download from

As you are probably aware, the RIAA has been pursuing a policy of preventing this activity in recent months

We have recently become aware that this approach is yielding only limited results and in some cases may in fact be harming sales and the artists' revenue stream.

The RIAA wishes to apologise for the heavy-handed manner in which the popular chinese site Listen4Ever was closed down, and would like to present the following items for free download as a token of its goodwill.

Hit up the full story here. Check out a mirror of the hack here.


Hockey officially starts on October 9th, with preseason games starting in September. Now to sneak away and check out a preseason game.

Also in hockey news, Hedberg tries hypnosis. went live on Sept 14, 2000. The Archives are updated every Wednesday and Sunday (theoretically), with one new archive file being created for each week. Archives from 9/9/01 and earlier use the old site design.

Please note that due to the dynamic nature of the sites we link to, many links may deteriorate or outright break over time. If there is one you are particularly interested in that you can't find, contact us.

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