TUESDAY, 9/23/2003, 3:30pm HST by Raul
I have been test-driving Avantbrowser, a tabbed version of IE. Not bad, but a few quirks may eventually send
me looking elsewhere. B+.

So you got a stick and a puck/hockey ball but no goalie to shoot on? No sweat! LeGolie,
an inflatable, automated/remote controlled goalie takes care of the problem.
Candy critic
This could be an entertaining read for that "downtime" at work. The
Candy Critic reviews all manner of snack food.
Political roundup

Check out Misleader.org, a daily examination
of the lies, distortions and misrepresentations foisted upon us by the Bush administration.
Some additional correct-thinking political content:
The Boy Who Cried Iraq
Keep Snowmobiles out of National Parks
Just how much is $87 billion?
A look back: Afghanistan, the Taliban and the Bush Oil Team
9/11/01: Where was George really?

Do not click on this link if you are epileptic or
get motion sickness easily. I tried setting this as my desktop at work and I couldn't concentrate.
Five-second rule tested
The "Five Second Rule" -- if you drop food on the ground, it's okay if you pick it up within 5 seconds -- has been scientifically debunked.
One of the findings was that a lot depends on the texture of the floor and the food, which to my knowledge has always been an unspoken part of the rule.
Its application has always been contextual for me, depending on the food and the floor.